Sunday, October 10, 2010


We went to the PumpkinPatch yesterday.

Miss Mackenzie decided to go afterall instead of staying home to clean her playroom and take a bath. She wore her jeans and a 'poo-poo' shirt. Not a poo-poo shirt because she did not like it, she did like it; it was just a 'poo poo' shirt because she likes to say 'poo poo' in any way she can. Hit&Miss sort of adventure. She was tired, so her mood was Up&Down. But, she had some fun moments and enjoyed riding tractors, going on the train (where she got candy by robbers), riding the MerryGoRound and the HayTruck, and making her way through the CornMaze. She went in the PettingZoo (where she developed a very sudden and very random, yet fleeting, phobia of the animals). She played with her friend Montana. A pretty good time, overall. Just had to muddle our way through some of her moodier moments.

Zachy had a wonderful time. But, boy, that boy wants to goGoGO! He did not get to do all the things that Mackenzie did, but he loves to be part of things and observe and discover. He had a blast in the PettingZoo, which he was fascinated by and so gently got to pet some lambs and goats. He went on the MerryGoRound, but wasn't too sure about it to start. I had to take him off the horse and hold him. Once he got more comfortable, he started to pet the horses. So, I suspect next time, he will be a little more prepared for the challenge of riding on the MerryGoRoundHorses! He also got to play on the HayTruck and listen to some fun music, which he did some awesome ZachyDancing to. He crawled around in dirt and played with HayStacks. What more, really, could a babytoddler boy want?!?! But next year...look out PumpkinPatch...Zachy's coming back and he's gonna RULE the Patch!

A few photos from our day....

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