Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yesterday Mackenzie proudly announced that she wants to stop having bottles. To clarify, I KNOW she is three. I KNOW many judge this, but I don't stress about it. She does not walk around all day with bottles, nor does she go to sleep with milk or juice in a bottle. Really, she has a couple of milk bottles a day, and that is her comfort. She will stop when she is ready. And, she seems close.

Oh, so, back to my original point...yesterday she announced she wanted to stop. She explained to me that big kids don't do bottles. So, I supported her in 'her idea.' This morning, first thing, 'Momma, I want a night night.' I gently reminded her of her decision yesterday and she replied with, 'I think I just have one more night night. I promise.' I got the same response, almost verbatim this evening when she got home from totbabycollege. Guess she's not ready just yet...I'll worry when she's 17!

And now, how 'bout a little totmusing:

After ignoring me last night, totgirl says:
'Momma, sometime I no listen when you tell me it's time to go to bed.'
 Although I would probably substitute the word 'sometime' with 'never,' I'd have to say she has pretty good insight for a three year old.

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