Monday, February 28, 2011


Ah, it's Monday. I usually like Mondays. As I have said before, I am home with the kids. It falls between the weekend and 'workweek' (Tuesday work, Wednesday home, Thursday work). For the most part, things are in reasonable order, as good as can be expected anyway.  This tends to make the day pretty low key.

We had a pretty good weekend. Yesterday, we woke up to a winter wonderland and had some great outdoors snow play. Lots of fun. The snow was fluffy, the temperature perfect (I was even out there in shorts since I had just gotten off the treadmill). Mackenzie and Dad made a snowman, with a little 'help' from Zachy. Zachy enjoyed the snow a lot more than he did the first time. He walked around, but pretty much wanted to be holding hands. If he saw a bit of oh-so-familiar dirt peaking through somewhere, he got pretty excited and made sure to pick some up and throw it. He also got brave and threw some snow. Mackenzie made snow angels and was out there for over an hour, I'm sure.
Saturday we thought the storm was going to arrive and decided to head south for the day. We went to the mall for awhile. Funny how malls are mini outings for people with toddlers. We tried the playarea, but unfortunately parents allowed their above the age and height limit kids to play in there. So, we went up and down the elevator (or 'alligator,' as Mackenzie calls it), had some yummy pretzels, walked through the pet store, and found a nice outdoors run around area with squirting water. Zach enjoyed just walking around and getting some energy out. Mackenzie and Dad ran through the water. She took off her pants and undies, which meant I had to talk to her. People laughed. She was quite entertaining.  She did put her pants back on  and continued to have fun anyway. We finished off with an early dinner at Chili's. Mackenzie ate fries. Zach had some fries and pizza. Healthy, I know. Simple outing, but fun and the kids were pooped and went to bed easy.

When we were at Chili's, Mackenzie was flirting with the waiter. Before we left she almost said, Bye bye stinky butt. But, she stopped herself! Love it. I think that kids will play around with the those words and really don't get too worked up at all, but I do want my kids to understand when and where. Fine line, I know. The main thing is, she is learning self control! She caught herself and stopped herself and still managed to be silly crazy fun.

So, that was our weekend. Because the temps warm up around here pretty quick, the snow is now melting away quickly or just very wet. The dirt underneath has turned to deep, thick mud, which means we are stuck indoors today. But, we are making the best of it. Got some jumping on the bed time, made a fort. After naptime I suppose an agility course of sorts will be devised and we will have to have a dance party. Perhaps we can venture outside for a walk on the street, provided we can make it across the driveway with minimal collateral damage (after getting the mail, it looks like this might not happen).

Anyhow, while I'm here, I thought I'd share a few random things along with perhaps a totmusing or two:
  • Mackenzie really loves to play cars. I'm sure I have talked about it before. She parks them. Then has them leave and other cars take spaces. She talks while she is doing it and has her cars interacting somewhat socially. Fascinating. I think they might be the closest thing she has had to a 'comfort item.'
  • When Zachy plays with cars, he crashes them. Or throws them. Which is pretty much what he does with everything.
  • The other day I told Zachy he looked adorable. Mackenzie got concerned and asked, Does that mean I going to look a-handsome? (Since I usually call Zachy 'handsome' and her 'adorable.')
  • This afternoon, before Zachy was going for his nap, he put his arm around Mackenzie and said Hug.  That was sweet. Last night before bed he was chasing her around the house trying to give her kisses. That was funny. So was her screaming.
  • Kids stood on the scale this morning. Zachy is about 21.6 pounds and Mackenzie 31.4.
  • Before bed the other night I suggested to Mackenzie that we clean up the toys. She said How about you clean and I play. A few days earlier, after waking up in the morning, she said, Look Momma, we forgot to clean up the Princess Castle. I thought the word We was a funny and interesting choice.
  • After playing outside last week, Zachy walked in with one shoe and looked baffled as he said Where shoe? Totally confused and concerned he appeared. Poor little guy. I searched the yard with him. No luck. About a half hour later he just happened to find it. Right inside one of Dad's shoes. And, how do you think it got there? He laughed when he pulled it out. Sneaky boy!
  • I made banana bread for breakfast this morning. Zachy took a bite and said Mmmmmm.
  • Yesterday he had some sliced black olives, which he lovvvves. How'd he eat them you ask? He picked them up by poking his finger in the hole and then eating them off his finger. I think this qualifies as multi-tasking. He ate and amused himself at the same time.
  • I love the smell of bacon. Has nothing to do with anything.  But I do.
  • Mackenzie loves bacon. Don't know if she loves the smell yet, but she loves bacon and I have no doubt will kow that she loves the smell someday.
  • We had a play date scheduled last Friday with Ari and Cate, but their Momma was sick. Mackenzie said, How about I draw her a picture so she can feel better? My girl can be pretty sweet!
  • I know we have talked about Mackenzie and her 'door' thing, where all the doors off the living area have to be closed. She now gives us a stern talking to if we leave one open. Next thing, she'll be giving us some sort of consequence.
  • In the midst of quiet play, Mackenzie says something. I ask What? because I hadn't heard her. She replies with I not talking to you, I talking to someone else. Opps, my bad!
  • Not complaining, but what's up with the over three hour nap, Zachy? Hope you're feeling okay!
  • Yesterday Mackenzie was playing 'Infant room' and she and Zachy were the babies. I would say Naptime! and Zachy would lay right down. Funny and cute. At the same time.
  • The problem is....I crabby. Spoken like a true Mackenzie.
  • Next up, Zachy. On the living room floor, crying. Until he sees me, then he smiles. He really wants to 'get' the whole tantrum thing, but he's just not there. Not yet anyway.
  • Zachy is a food thrower. Totally.
  • I think my ear has been colored blue by the Zach. That's the price I pay for trying to eat while holding a fussy one and half year old.
  • Mackenzie invited me into her fort. She has it pretty well stocked. It even has outside dining.
  • Zachy played a 'Mine' Game with some Chapstick. He said Mine and ran away laughing, making sure I was chasing him.
  • At dinnertime we sang Farmer and the Dell. I don't really know the sequence, but apparently Mackenzie does: The farmer takes a Wife; The Wife takes a Child; the Child takes a Dog; The Dog takes a cat; The Cat takes a Mouse; The Mouse takes the cheese; And the Cheese stays still. Or something like that. Point being (yes, I do have a point), they must sing the song in Preschool and she knew the order and I was proud.
Two kids asleep by 7:30. Mackenzie was O.U.T. at 7:06, Zachy at 7:30, which surprised me since he took a three and a half hour plus nap. Jury is still out on why he's so tired. Momma is pooped, but, overall, a pretty good day. Gonna miss those kiddos of mine tomorrow. Yes, I sure will.

Friday, February 25, 2011


A few fotos from the week...

The kids playing BabyChicks.
They put the tops on and then hatch.
Next, Dad gives them 'worms' to eat.
Again and Again and Again.

We had ourselves a little snow.
Mackenzie went out and tried to catch snowflakes in her mouth.

Call me crazy, but I'm not sure they'll be this eager to help ten years from now!

Mackenzie's friend Ben came over for a playdate.

Zachy loves, and I mean LOVES, the Balancing Cactus.

And, he's actually pretty good at it.

He did this all by himself!

Mackenzie Photo of the Week, cause she looks so cute!
Mackenzie combing her two favorite games, Cars + Princess Castle.

Zachy Photo of the Week, cause he too looks so cute!
Wobble-running Zachy!

Sibling Photo of the Week:
The Rocking Horse can apparently also be used as a Teeter-Tot.
When playing Teeter-Tot, Mackenzie will tell Zachy, 'Just one more time.'
But she keeps on going anyway, cause she's having fun too!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


  • This morning after we woke up Mackenzie said she wanted to go potty first. When it was my turn, she asked, in her very best fake grown-up voice, if I needed help or if I wanted privacy. Awww, sweet girl!
  • At night when I am singing songs to Zachy before bed, he will yell Yay! after I finish. I have a theory about this: He doesn't want to go to bed, so he is encouraging me to continue because, clearly, he is not yelling Yay! based on my talent.
  • I love how, just when I get Round 1 of the endless straightening up that will go on throughout the day done, Mackenzie will immediately ask if she can paint.
  • Zachy holds conversations using his favorite words: Whoa, Where go?, and Yay! Usually in that order.
  • Mackenzie wants to be the 'Winner.' Always. She also likes to be first or second, depending on which benefits her better at the time.
  • I think Zachy thinks 'food' is called 'hot.'
  • Mackenzie lets Buddy in and says, 'Buddy, you sure are dirty. I going to clean Buddy off.'
  • Right before cleaning Buddy off, she had cleaned up her own spilled milk. Is my girl feeling okay today?
  • Zachy loves playing with the thing that pops balls lately. That and throwing balls. And with the Balancing Cactus (ages 3 and up, but he has the idea, yes he does). And with the train that he can stack things on. Most of his games involve use of the word Whoa and some sort of throwing or knocking over things and watching them crash.
  • Yesterday on the way home from school the road to the school where Mackenzie will likely go to Kindergarten was closed for road work. Mackenzie was very upset. She expressed her feelings about it very well, feeling sad and upset. About fifteen minutes later she says I still a little sad about the school. Those trucks are going to jail! (referring to the trucks doing the road work).
  • We had pancakes this morning. I don't like to give Zachy syrup because he'll just 'eat' that and leave the rest. So I was very slyly trying to pour just a little out for Mackenzie behind the refrigerator door. I look over and Zachy is bent as far over to the side as he can be, watching me and signs 'More,' which, in this case, means 'Busted!'
  • Did I already tell the story about hearing Zachy talking in his room after he woke up from nap? He stayed in his crib, just talking away happily for a good twenty minutes, no crying. Finally I decided to go get him. He points to the door to the back room and yells 'Cat.' Apparently he had been having a conversation with BuddyCat, who had been 'trapped' (by his own volition) in the back room.
  • Zachy loves to play 'monster.' He gets all into it. Tonight he was getting his diaper changed and heard Mackenzie and Dad playing and he was so excited to finish and join in. Cute. Funny. That's Zachy.
  • Mackenzie helped Zachy wash his hands today and said Good Job Zacher!
  •  Have I mentioned how Mackenzie, after she gets out of the shower, runs to the floor heater I set up for her and gets in the fetal position. She has this whole system worked out for putting lotion on and everything. It's crazy.
  • Kids are in  bed, Momma's going to watch American Idol...that's all folks!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


A pretty good 'week.' We got some snow over the weekend. Just enough for Mackenzie to get a 'taste' of it. Literally. She loves going out when it is snowing and opening her mouth so she can taken in some snowflakes. She even knows that each and every snowflake is different. Thanks Miss Anne at totcollege for educating my child! Sunday Mackenzie and I went to Walmart to get out and to pick out a toy with some Valentine's money Grammie had given her. I must say I was impressed with how thoughtful she was. She was quite careful and thorough in her decision making. Zachy had a good week as well. We got to hang out a bit together on Saturday when Mackenzie and Dad went to the library. We didn't do too much, just played and spent time together. He's a delightful companion! Sunday Zachy got to go for a run with Dad when Mackenzie and I went to Walmart. He's 'run' quite a few miles. I'll have to get the official tally from Dad.
So here's my 2GoodTuesday for this week:
  1. One morning Mackenzie woke up before me and quietly stepped over me to get my phone, which she handed to me so I could see what time it was and let her know if it was okay for her to wake up or not. She's sweet in the morning. She almost always says I love you first thing. A pretty fabulous way to start the day!
  2. We'll have a 2GoodTheme this week - mornings. Last Thursday I had to wake Zachy up for school since he just wasn't waking up on his own. I rubbed his little back, while adoring how sweet he looked. Still didn't wake up. So I picked him up and just held him for a few minutes and then he woke up. He got down without saying anything and walked to the other room with his Gunky. And then just sat there. I walked in to find him and he started laughing. It was just a cute Zachy morning thing.
  3. And a third. But it has nothing to do with the morning. Mackenzie knocked Zach over yesterday (I know, that's not good!). She was crying because of course she had consequences. Zach saw her crying and went up and hugged her. I love SiblingLoveMoments!

Monday, February 21, 2011


The other night after Mackenzie fell asleep, I took a few moments to look at her sweet sleeping face. I cannot believe how 'big' she has gotten. She's three. It's so hard to remember back to when she was an itty bitty baby. Seems so long ago now. I felt a little mushy, loving the little girl she is and missing the little baby she was. It goes so fast. I'm thinking it's time for a little Mackenzie update. Catch up a bit on what's she up to, what she's saying, all that good stuff.

As always, she is as hilarious as ever. Just about every time she opens her mouth it's funny, whether she wants it to be or not. She has a sarcastic side to her. She not only says sarcastic things, but uses a sarcastic voice and sarcastic facial expressions. She likes to use the word 'Sorry' when she is being sarcastic. I not going to do that Momma. Sor-ry! (with a cute lil' head tilt and all.) She tends to be very much aware of what the rules are, but breaks them anyways and, what a shock, resists any consequences. As soon as a 'consequence' is being implemented, she will state all her infractions and promise never to do them again, in a very I'm humoring you type of way. Oh, okay Mackenzie...nice try!  Or, she tries to find new creative ways to push limits. One day she didn't like something I said and she said, I going to spit at the word (insert spitting noise). See Momma, I no spit at you, I spit at the word. Again, nice try Mackenzie! Clever and full of sass that girl is and, as I have said before, way smarter than I am. Unfortunate, but true! (I'm happy to say she has finally, it seems, moved on from the spitting phase. Replaced by what, I don't know yet. But she appears to be 'over' spitting.)

Mackenzie has a thing with doors right now. We have three doors off the living room, two bedroom and one bathroom. She will close them all and wants them to stay closed. If I go in a room and don't close the door when I come back, she will stop whatever she is doing and go close it or will say: Will you please close the bathroom door for me, Momma? If I do close it, she will say, Thank you for closing it for me. Polite little thing, isn't she? Now she also wants the window blinds closed, which is a drag, since it makes the house even darker. But she seriously cannot tolerate them open right now. She is in a Scaries Stage. So, I oblige her because...

Mackenzie likes to be the boss. At all times. She has no problem letting us know when we do something wrong. Noooo, you supposed to do it like this. You supposed to say it like this. And, she has no problem telling me when I do something she doesn't like or when she is mad at me: I no like that Momma. I not love you. I not your friend. But, when she's over it, she will sweetly say, I love you again Momma. You my friend. And, she's irresistibly sweet when she does. As much as she likes to be the boss and to be in charge, she also very much likes to be my helper. She is the most adorable helper there ever was. I am sure of it. She takes her jobs very seriously and works them to completion. She's diligent. And, as much as she likes to be the boss, she still likes to be our little girl and to be snuggled and taken care of.

Her imagination continues to be phenomenal. It cracks me up how I have gotten her so many toys to stimulate her imagination, yet very often she would much rather use a box for her baby to sleep in during her imaginative play than the play crib. I guess that's why they refer to it as 'using your imagination,' right? All of her play these days involves her imagination. And very often focuses on figuring out social norms and relationships. She rehearses a lot through play. With her dolls, her little people, stuffed animals, real people. You name it. One day on the way home in the car I heard in the back having pretend conversations with her friends. Saige, that's a beautiful shirt. Do you want to go play and be my friend? Oh here comes Emerson. A whole world she had going on in her car seat. Hearing it being played out was simply magical. As you can see, she's moved into social play. Her friends change all the time. Seems that the kids at the totcollege go through phases where so and so plays with so and so and the next day it's so and so and so and so. Lately it's been Saige again.

When things don't work out as well as she - we - would like, she is able to talk about it. Today her friend Ben was over and she did something that upset him. After he left she pretended to be Ben and told me that I was his Mommy. I asked 'him' what he did today and she went on to tell me about his play date with Mackenzie and how she hurt his feelings.(She did apologize to Ben and he accepted, so it was all okay. But clearly, after he left, she still had a little more processing to do.) This showed me that not only is she aware and trying to figure things out, but that she has some empathy too. And, is capable of reflection.

She works hard on her problem solving skills and, frequently, tries very hard to 'do the right thing' instead of impulsively reacting. She will 'decide' to wait patiently for her turn or share and take turns with someone or something. One of the best things about this is that she feels a sense of accomplishment when she successfully handles a situation. Seems that Three is a lot about repetition and rehearsal. Hard work. One morning she had had a rough morning and was cranky. After she calmed down, she said to me Momma, I'm sorry. Sometimes I don't know what the problem is. I was crying, I don't know why.

She's hit a few new 'milestones.' In no particular order:
  • She's very into being 'first' unless it involves something she doesn't want to do and then she wants to be second or whatever is last.
  • She is also into things being 'fair,' which means swayed in her favor. She has used the phrase Mo-om. That's not fair!
  • Using different forms of the word 'Bored.' One day she was doing something unsafe and I told her I didn't want her to get hurt. She asked Why and I told her then we would have to go the hospital and she replied with Oh Mo-om. The hospital is boring!
  • Being focused on being a 'big kid' and all that comes with it.
  • Carrying BuddyCat around, which he doesn't always like.
  • Having an evolved sense of 'what usually happens.' Usually I snuggle with Buddy in the morning on the couch.
  • She loves using scissors. She is sort of starting to draw people like figures. She makes an 'M' and and an 'A.' And, she recognizes a few letters. She can do some counting - meaning identify how many objects there are. I think she counts to 20 now.
  • She has some sense of time. Past and future. But they are still always yesterday and tomorrow.
  • Using the word 'gross' on a regular basis. And 'stinky butt.' And, unfortunately, 'stupid.'
Mackenzie is a sweet girl. I talk often about her sass and spirit, but the truth is she is as loving as they come. She wants to please. She loves having fun. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. Actually, she really loves to make others laugh. She is vibrant and full of brilliance. Although she can be shy at times, when she is comfortable, she confidently takes the lead and is a good leader. She's inquisitive and is eager to explore and learn. She loves to snuggle and give hugs. She's 100% lovable in every way.

One night we were playing in bed before sleeptime and I told her I was going to eat her for lunch the next day. She got really (pretend) serious and said, But then you won't have a child. But then you could born-ded me again and I would be your baby.

She still is my baby. Doesn't matter how old she gets, she always will be.

Have I told you lately MyBabyMackenzie how much I Love You? VeryveryVERY Much!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


A day late and a dollar short. Good week last week. Saturday we went to a carnival and then Sunday to not one, but two parks. Good thing, because this weekend is looking like a whole lot of Yuck!

First...the Carnival!
Mackenzie went on her first 'Big Kid' rides.
She had the ride to herself, since everyone else was wasting time watching the parade with 1,000 horses and 1,000 old cars. *Yawn.*

Zachy seemed a bit tired at the start, but he's a trooper!
Kickin' it in his ride, while sister rides the rides.

Hold on tight. This one's bumpy!

Watching from behind the gate.
Looking interested.

Sibling Photo of the Week:
Hold on tight Zachy!
Mackenzie's got your back.

The motorcycle ride.
She did wheelies!

Meanwhile Dad paid for, I mean won, Zachy a toy.

I like French Fries.
And, I got Mackenzie's Big Juice!

Sand Art time.
Flowers, cute animals, pretty butterflies....I'll take the plane!

Her favorite ride...
The Merry Go Round.
(We also went on the Ferris Wheel, Not Shown :-).)

Later that day:
Zachy practiced setting up and batting.
He's a patient little guy.

Sunday Park Day...
Zachy waving 'Bye' to the passing planes.
(A Toddler A influence.)

Outa sequence, but this is Mackenzie all ready to go.
Note the drink she is 'carrying' in her dress.
Her idea.
Clever little girl I have.
And resourceful.

Two parks, of course there was swinging.

Another new skill for Zachy.
He kept climbing through the bars.
Back and forth. Laugh. Repeat.

Later in the week, we did some bubbles.
Gosh, kid's faces look deliciously sweet when blowing bubbles.
As cute as they both are, here are the Mackenzie then Zachy Photos of the Week:
Mackenzie: Awww.

 Zachy:  Awww again.

They played house together.
At least Mackenzie did.

Seems like he was right in there.
Dad has a pacifier, apparently.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


  1. Family Circle Time last night. I think it's going to be a new addition to our nightly routine. Right before bath.
  2. Zachy walking up to Mackenzie with his arms wide open, saying Hug. Mackenzie hugging him really, really tight and saying, I love you Zachy. Not sure it can get much better than that!

Monday, February 14, 2011


We had a good - great - weekend. On Saturday, we went to the Gold Rush Days carnival and Mackenzie got to ride real rides. Age appropriate of course. Zachy even went on one with Mackenzie. He didn't cry, but I'm not sure he knew just quite what to make of it. I almost think he preferred sitting outside the fences and waving to her when she went by. Her favorite ride? Despite going on the Ferris Wheel and other 'fast rides,' she still likes the Merry Go Round best of all. A traditionalist one might say.  Mackenzie also made a sand art picture. They had flowers and butterflies and cute animals. She picked the plane. Why I have no idea. But it turned out just adorable!

When we got home, we had Emmy dog over for a playdate since his Dad, Rich, was gone for the day. Zachy knows her by name and said Emmy!Q when she walked in. Mackenzie was upset when it was time to take her home. Sunday Dad worked and Mackenzie, Zachy and I went on two 'park' outings. Pretty fun day. All in all, it was a fabulous, Vitamin D filled weekend.

Things have been busy lately, so I've decided today that I'm going to do a Ramble. It will have some bits from today, a few totmusings, and just some random catch up thoughts that come to mind. Here we go...
  • It's Valentine's Day! Mackenzie enjoyed giving cards to Daddy, Zachy and Me and loved getting one too - a Princess Card, that plays music. Zachy got a Snoopy card. And both got a little candy. Mackenzie made sure Zachy shared his with her. Zachy showed off his 'more' sign.
  • Tomorrow Mackenzie and the school friends will hand out cards to one another. She has been a little resistant to the thought of giving her cards away, but she's catching on and realizing that they are all exchanging.
  • We were outside playing chase today and Mackenzie had to go potty. She didn't want to stop though and said, It okay. My pee pee is being good.
  • The other day she said, Why do birds and flies come in for visits? So they can play?
  • Before we went to the carnival, there was a parade. Mackenzie asked about Santa being there, since he was in the last parade she went to. When I told her he wouldn't be there, she put on her best sad face and said, I miss him.
  • Zachy's new 'thing' at night is to shove one of his books down the side of the bed. Then he looks at me with big, confused eyes and in his most innocent voice says, Where book? Again and again and again.
  • Zachy really likes to throw things. At people now. Hard things. Not good. But he gets so much enjoyment out it.
  • Speaking of this, Zachy's favorite game of late is to walk up to you, laugh and throw a ball at your head. Then he laughs even harder. He has surprisingly good aim for a one and a half year old. Note to self: Make sure all hard objects are out of the totboy's reach.
  • Oh, and he has officially figured out how to use stools. The other day he wanted my purse. I said No. I went to other room. I came back and he was on the floor with it, chewing a half piece of gum with foil, yikes! Stool positioned right below where my purse had been on the counter. Note to self: Use purse zipper.
  • This morning Mackenzie said I hurt her arm. For the record, I wasn't even close to her. But, her exact words were: Momma, you blooded me. I going to send you to jail!
  • I have been noticing lately that Mackenzie is no longer a toddler, but a little girl. Maybe not  quite a little girl, but definitely a preschooler. Regardless, it's bittersweet. My babygirl is growing up. So fast.
  • And Zachy, definitely a toddler. Today I was remembering how last winter I would pull the exersaucer outside to entertain him while Mackenzie ran around. Then the pack and play and now....well now he's just all over the place and lovin' it!
  • Mackenzie has this lovely spitting thing she does when she gets mad (although knock on wood, I think she's finally over it). One day we were talking about how we were not going to spit and she says Well, we can spit like this (demonstrating quietly onto her hand) but not like this (demonstrating sassily at someone). I think she's going to be an attorney.
  • This morning we were playing jump rope. Exact words Mackenzie uses, Momma will you jump me? Basically I just wiggle it on the floor and she runs back and forth and jumps over it. Zachy joined in. First wiggling the rope alongside me and next running back and forth with her and 'jumping' over it. He really got excited when she fell and then that became the game. Falling. He loves that game. Gets to use one of his favorite words: Whooaaa.
  • Zachy walked up to me with a finger puppet and said Puppet! I'm not sure I knew he knew that word.
  • Mackenzie gets strangely independent and quiet around nap time. Until I make that comment of course.
  • I decided to try to implement some preschool tactics into our day. Circle Time. More songs. Bells before activities. All that good stuff. Turns out we just pretend play preschool all day. But, hey, it's sort of working. Today Mackenzie is the Bell Helper. And we're all having fun with it!
  • Mackenzie just tried to rebel against circle time. Once she saw how clearly wrong Zachy and I were doing it, she decided we were in desperate need of help and joined us.
  • I hear Zachy crying. Find him in his room on his back on the floor as if he has fallen. The minute he sees me he stops. It's sort of like he said Gotcha! Is he picking up his sister's flare for the dramatic?
  • Sometimes Zachy seems to think he's a hamster. He puts a bunch of food in his mouth and then spits it out. Today it's a green beans. And, he keeps on asking for more.
  • I wish I could translate the sound of Mackenzie's hilarious sarcastic voices to print. They crack me up.
  • Mackenzie is very into being first these days. Her concept of first really is more or less defined as 'only.'
  • Last week I let Mackenzie know she's been invited to Maverick's birthday (friend from totcollege). Sweetly yelling: 'No Maverick no have a birthday. Only me and Saige and Emerson and Andrew have birthdays.' Why she included Emerson is beyond me since she was mad at him last week for telling her to go to jail. Ah, the life of a three year old.
  • A few days later she said Maverick could only have two friends at his party, Saige could have five and Emerson could have four. Of course all the friends are supposed to come to her party. Good luck with that Mackenzie!
  • You know mealtime has gone on too long when you hear Zachy say Hat and the bowl of applesauce is on his head.
  • But the hospital is boring! So apparently, is the bath, the doctor's office and whatever she does not want to do.
  • What had Zachy cracking up on the changing table? A nail file. He kept rubbing it on his tummy and cracking himself up. Hysterical.
  • Mackenzie has begun monitoring her own TV! This doesn't mean she watches as much as she wants, but rather that she has gotten the idea that she's not supposed to watch a lot and that there are things that are much more fun!
  • Zachy has eaten more today than he has in the whole previous month. Growth spurt?
  • Today was Amazing. Fun. We Jived. I feel Fantabulous. I Love My Babies and am going to miss them like crazy tomorrow! Smiling. Feeling Grateful!
  • Cracks me up when Mackenzie says she is going to take a little 'snooze.' And that concludes our day.

Friday, February 11, 2011


 I already posted pictures from Mackenzie and I's date to the mall. This week we had a day or two with less wind and slightly warmer temps, so got out a little bit. Tried crafting some, but that didn't turn out too well. Have I mentioned that I'm pretty sure Mackenzie will be the one who gets the Does not follow direction well comment on her report card? She's a leader. A sassy leader at that. Zachy is talking up a storm. Repeating everything and, more importantly, really understanding. It's a blast to watch. He and Mackenzie play together more and more and it's wonderful to see them 'figure it out.'

Anyhoo, some photos from our week..

Enjoying the swing. Really, she was.

 After getting on his pj's, I turn around and this is what I saw.
I think I name this:
Zachy Photo of the Week!

Mackenzie playing Restaurant with all her 'friends.'

Zachy just being cute and silly.

He likes to throw the balls back and forth through the tunnel.

Having a tea party together in their 'house.'

They negotiated quite well.

New for Zachy this week...
Loading up the buggy or shopping cart and 'going.'

Mackenzie got stuck.
Let's make this the:
Mackenzie Photo of the Week!

Organizing her Valentine's cards for the school friends.

Playing doctor with BuddyCat.

'No Momma, it ok. He is our patient.'

Definitely not looking too happy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This week has been full of 2GoodMoments. Not sure I can narrow it to 2, so maybe I won't.
  1. Mackenzie was playing Restaurant Leader. She got out a paper and pen and started to take orders. She was completely into her role. 'Do you have Chicken Nuggets?' 'No, we no have Chicken Nuggets. We have pizza. I be right out with that. I bring you a soda first. Do you want a booster for your baby?' Come to think of it, she was so busy taking our very big order, we never did get our food!
  2. Zachy 'sitting' on the potty. He wanted to. He looked down, very pensively. Trying to figure out what exactly was supposed to happen next. Not surprisingly, nothing did. He is only 17 months after all! Who knows, he took a bit longer to walk, so maybe just maybe he'll be an early potty-learner.
  3. I know I already referenced it, but Zachy asleep in bed hugging his Gunky. Oh me oh my that was a sweet, sweet sight. Speaking of Gunky, Gunky really needs a bath!
  4. Already referenced, but I enjoyed my day with Mackenzie and the memories that it brought back! Oh, and I am loving our new book Knuffle Bunny.
  5. Our family parade the other night. Initiated by none other than Miss Mackenzie Nicole.Zachy took a bit to catch on, but he did and once he did he was 'in!'
  6. Playing chase in the field yesterday with Mackenzie and Zachy.
  7. For whatever reason on Saturday Zachy could not get  enough of me. He wanted meMeME and only ME. I thought it was sweet.
  8. This morning I told Mackenzie I was going to pick her up from school and she got a little smile on her face. Little, cause she didn't want me to know she was happy about that. The girl has to keep her Momma guessing!
  9. Sitting with Mackenzie at her table and telling one another things we like about each other.
  10. Playing ball with Zachy and him wobble-running up to me and saying 'Where ball?' (not quite that clearly, but I knew what he was saying). And then going to look for it with him, getting down on the  floor next to one another and looking under things. We did find it. I just find so much delight in him communicating his needs and interacting with his world. It's amazing! Each and every day.
  11. Mackenzie helping Zachy put on his shoes for school this morning.
  12. Lastly, cause I have to stop somewhere, the following quote I saw on Positively Positive on Facebook: The light in a child is love. Yes it is.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Mackenzie and Momma went on a girl's date. Spontaneously we decided to venture out to the mall. We had a great time. I was reminded of the last time just she and I were there alone together. That would've been 8.19.09. Several hours after we got home, my water broke. I'm glad we had a special afternoon that day, even though I had no idea her world, our world, was going to change so completely, so soon after. Remembering, had me feeling a little sappy today, remembering back to that afternoon, when a sassy little two year old had my 8.5 month pregnant self chasing her around while people laughed. I enjoyed our day then and I enjoyed our special day today, veryVeryVERY much!

Some memories from today...

First a Totmusing: While looking at clothes at Penny's, Mackenzie picked up a girl's baby outfit and said, 'I sure wish I wear'd that when I was a baby.' (A cute little older couple laughed. She got a lot of 'How cute she is' comments and smiles today.)

 First stop...the 'Merry Go Round.'

 Enjoying a little Orange Julius on the way to Barnes and Noble.

 At Barnes and Noble, we read a story, picked out a book and played with the train.

Checking in with Daddy.

What would a mall trip be without some fries?

Last stop...the Helicopter!

We got the book 'Knuffle Bunny' and, also shown, took pictures together in the photo booth!
Whata funFunFUN time we had! Thanks Mackenzie :-).
Momma LOVES You!
'Thank You for a Good Day!'