Monday, February 14, 2011


We had a good - great - weekend. On Saturday, we went to the Gold Rush Days carnival and Mackenzie got to ride real rides. Age appropriate of course. Zachy even went on one with Mackenzie. He didn't cry, but I'm not sure he knew just quite what to make of it. I almost think he preferred sitting outside the fences and waving to her when she went by. Her favorite ride? Despite going on the Ferris Wheel and other 'fast rides,' she still likes the Merry Go Round best of all. A traditionalist one might say.  Mackenzie also made a sand art picture. They had flowers and butterflies and cute animals. She picked the plane. Why I have no idea. But it turned out just adorable!

When we got home, we had Emmy dog over for a playdate since his Dad, Rich, was gone for the day. Zachy knows her by name and said Emmy!Q when she walked in. Mackenzie was upset when it was time to take her home. Sunday Dad worked and Mackenzie, Zachy and I went on two 'park' outings. Pretty fun day. All in all, it was a fabulous, Vitamin D filled weekend.

Things have been busy lately, so I've decided today that I'm going to do a Ramble. It will have some bits from today, a few totmusings, and just some random catch up thoughts that come to mind. Here we go...
  • It's Valentine's Day! Mackenzie enjoyed giving cards to Daddy, Zachy and Me and loved getting one too - a Princess Card, that plays music. Zachy got a Snoopy card. And both got a little candy. Mackenzie made sure Zachy shared his with her. Zachy showed off his 'more' sign.
  • Tomorrow Mackenzie and the school friends will hand out cards to one another. She has been a little resistant to the thought of giving her cards away, but she's catching on and realizing that they are all exchanging.
  • We were outside playing chase today and Mackenzie had to go potty. She didn't want to stop though and said, It okay. My pee pee is being good.
  • The other day she said, Why do birds and flies come in for visits? So they can play?
  • Before we went to the carnival, there was a parade. Mackenzie asked about Santa being there, since he was in the last parade she went to. When I told her he wouldn't be there, she put on her best sad face and said, I miss him.
  • Zachy's new 'thing' at night is to shove one of his books down the side of the bed. Then he looks at me with big, confused eyes and in his most innocent voice says, Where book? Again and again and again.
  • Zachy really likes to throw things. At people now. Hard things. Not good. But he gets so much enjoyment out it.
  • Speaking of this, Zachy's favorite game of late is to walk up to you, laugh and throw a ball at your head. Then he laughs even harder. He has surprisingly good aim for a one and a half year old. Note to self: Make sure all hard objects are out of the totboy's reach.
  • Oh, and he has officially figured out how to use stools. The other day he wanted my purse. I said No. I went to other room. I came back and he was on the floor with it, chewing a half piece of gum with foil, yikes! Stool positioned right below where my purse had been on the counter. Note to self: Use purse zipper.
  • This morning Mackenzie said I hurt her arm. For the record, I wasn't even close to her. But, her exact words were: Momma, you blooded me. I going to send you to jail!
  • I have been noticing lately that Mackenzie is no longer a toddler, but a little girl. Maybe not  quite a little girl, but definitely a preschooler. Regardless, it's bittersweet. My babygirl is growing up. So fast.
  • And Zachy, definitely a toddler. Today I was remembering how last winter I would pull the exersaucer outside to entertain him while Mackenzie ran around. Then the pack and play and now....well now he's just all over the place and lovin' it!
  • Mackenzie has this lovely spitting thing she does when she gets mad (although knock on wood, I think she's finally over it). One day we were talking about how we were not going to spit and she says Well, we can spit like this (demonstrating quietly onto her hand) but not like this (demonstrating sassily at someone). I think she's going to be an attorney.
  • This morning we were playing jump rope. Exact words Mackenzie uses, Momma will you jump me? Basically I just wiggle it on the floor and she runs back and forth and jumps over it. Zachy joined in. First wiggling the rope alongside me and next running back and forth with her and 'jumping' over it. He really got excited when she fell and then that became the game. Falling. He loves that game. Gets to use one of his favorite words: Whooaaa.
  • Zachy walked up to me with a finger puppet and said Puppet! I'm not sure I knew he knew that word.
  • Mackenzie gets strangely independent and quiet around nap time. Until I make that comment of course.
  • I decided to try to implement some preschool tactics into our day. Circle Time. More songs. Bells before activities. All that good stuff. Turns out we just pretend play preschool all day. But, hey, it's sort of working. Today Mackenzie is the Bell Helper. And we're all having fun with it!
  • Mackenzie just tried to rebel against circle time. Once she saw how clearly wrong Zachy and I were doing it, she decided we were in desperate need of help and joined us.
  • I hear Zachy crying. Find him in his room on his back on the floor as if he has fallen. The minute he sees me he stops. It's sort of like he said Gotcha! Is he picking up his sister's flare for the dramatic?
  • Sometimes Zachy seems to think he's a hamster. He puts a bunch of food in his mouth and then spits it out. Today it's a green beans. And, he keeps on asking for more.
  • I wish I could translate the sound of Mackenzie's hilarious sarcastic voices to print. They crack me up.
  • Mackenzie is very into being first these days. Her concept of first really is more or less defined as 'only.'
  • Last week I let Mackenzie know she's been invited to Maverick's birthday (friend from totcollege). Sweetly yelling: 'No Maverick no have a birthday. Only me and Saige and Emerson and Andrew have birthdays.' Why she included Emerson is beyond me since she was mad at him last week for telling her to go to jail. Ah, the life of a three year old.
  • A few days later she said Maverick could only have two friends at his party, Saige could have five and Emerson could have four. Of course all the friends are supposed to come to her party. Good luck with that Mackenzie!
  • You know mealtime has gone on too long when you hear Zachy say Hat and the bowl of applesauce is on his head.
  • But the hospital is boring! So apparently, is the bath, the doctor's office and whatever she does not want to do.
  • What had Zachy cracking up on the changing table? A nail file. He kept rubbing it on his tummy and cracking himself up. Hysterical.
  • Mackenzie has begun monitoring her own TV! This doesn't mean she watches as much as she wants, but rather that she has gotten the idea that she's not supposed to watch a lot and that there are things that are much more fun!
  • Zachy has eaten more today than he has in the whole previous month. Growth spurt?
  • Today was Amazing. Fun. We Jived. I feel Fantabulous. I Love My Babies and am going to miss them like crazy tomorrow! Smiling. Feeling Grateful!
  • Cracks me up when Mackenzie says she is going to take a little 'snooze.' And that concludes our day.

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