Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Another Wacky Wednesday. Cooped up all day thanks to cold, windy weather. So, time for some Mommy Musings. Our day is going something like this...
  • It's almost unfair to the rest of the humanity that I get to be greeted with so much cuteness first thing in the morning. Mackenzie groggily walking out and then sitting on my lap, curling her angelic self into a ball and then shortly after Zachy walking out, smiling, laughing, and wanting Up! Ah, the Love!
  • Mackenzie coughed and said she feels a little sick. Does something hurt? Yes, my blister (from six weeks ago) and the thing on my bum bum.
  • This reminds me of last week when she had a very little fever, which I made the mistake of letting her know. For the next thirty minutes, or so she said over and over and over in her most pathetic voice: I just a little sick Momma. (fake cough) Did you hear that?
  • Zachy loves his 'Gunky' (the monkey he got at the zoo). When he sees him, he squeals, laughs and says 'Gunky!' Then gives him big hugs, sometimes falling to the ground he is so beside himself with delight.
  • It's 8:22am. Already I have: Caught up some blogs I read and facebook, made breakfast for the kids, made quinoa, made my vegie/egg and  qunioa scramble, mediated up several totarguments, straightended up the playroom, put away some laundary, made salads for today and tomorrow, talked to my sister for twenty minutes, did the morning dishes, changed Mackenzie's clothes - twice, which reminds me, I think it's time to change Zachy's diaper and get him out of his pajamas- opps.
  • Mackenzie bops Zachy on the head with a potato. He cries. I tell her she needs some 'calm down time.' She walks into her room and walks right back out and says in her most shallow humoring voice:  I had my calm down time. Sorry Zachy. Ten seconds later, yelling: ZACHY, YOU NOT MY FRIEND ANYMORE! How'd that calm down time work for ya Mackenzie?
  • Missing: Zachy's cute blue sneakers. Oh where, oh where could they be? Gone over a week now. Not looking good.
  • When did potatoes become toys?
  • Where did all the potatoes go? Have I mentioned Zachy likes to throw things away? Hmmmm....bye bye blue shoes. But, I found the potatoes.
  • Guess Dad's buying some new blue totboy shoes on the way home from work today.
  • Somebody, ZACHY, sure learned the word 'cookie pretty fast. And, even learned how to put two words together as in 'More cookies.' Who said sugar does no good?
  • Cold, windy day. How do we get the sillies out? A tot-friendly agility course through the house. Let the games begin!
  • Every night Zachy and I read the book 'Yummy Yucky' before bed. Yet, trash cans, kitty liter, pouring food on his head, and dog food continue to be his favorite things. Clearly he's missing the whole point of the book.
  • Made what seemed like a healthy lunch for my kids. Did Zachy eat? No. I think he live on air.
  • Mackenzie likes quinoa. A lot.
  • Now he's eating playdoh and fake food. I'm insulted. Surely what I made was better than that!
  • Sometimes Mackenzie puts her hands on her hips when she is making a point. Looks cute when she does it. Probably not so cute when I do!
  • Other times she has the cutest ever hand gestures and expressions.
  • Note to self: Don't leave two toddlers, ages 1 and 3, alone with a box of tissues. The quiet is not worth the mess or the time you will spend cleaning it up, which will be longer than the quiet.
  • Mackenzie has decided not to nap today. And not to have quiet time either. Instead, she exercised with me. On an exercise ball. Watching her try to balance was funny. She kept saying This one is tricky! At one point the 'instructor' asked Did you feel that? And she shouted out YES!
  • Mackenzie just had an I'm too busy playing potty accident. I asked if it was all over the floor and she, very generously, said Yah, you can go and clean it! Awwww, Thanks, Mackenzie. Next time maybe just maybe you'll pay attention I when I suggest you use the potty since it's been awhile. Or, maybe not, since I clean it up!
  • Zachy just started blowing kisses and waving and saying Bye. Seriously cute.
  • And now he is into saying Hi. Work those social skills totboy!
  • BuddyCat finally scratched Mackenzie. It was a long time coming. He's a pretty unbelievably patient cat.  Glad he didn't get an eye...YIKES!
  • Mackenzie is sitting at her table eating yogurt. Zachy is walking around her table, laughing for unknown reasons.
  • Poor Mackenzie is tired. No nap, bedtime awhile away.
  • Time to burn off some more energy and distract...pillows all set up for running and jump in the pile of pillows party! Woot-woot!
  • Zachy just poured yogurt all over himself when I wasn't looking. That'll teach me.
  • Mackenzie ate a bizarre amount of yogurt today. Or maybe it's just all on Zachy's head.
  • Evening ended with me getting a five minute snuggle with both my babes. Long day, perfect ending.
  • Both kids fast asleep by 7:15. Mackenzie snuggled up next to BuddyCat and Zachy holding on tight to his Gunky. I am content. And in Love.

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