Sunday, October 31, 2010


Zachy has this little sense of humor going that makes me smile. He finds things funny and tries to be part of. Last week we were at the school playground playing monster. He caught on and started to put his hands up and say, 'Arrrr.' He gets it. Last night Mackenzie screamed at him for disrupting her play and he screamed back, with a smirk on his face. He thinks it's funny!

He likes to torment his sister at times. I am sure of it. Everything she has, anything she is doing, he wants a piece of. The other day she was practicing her writing, a new favorite activity of her's, and he pulls himself up to the table, grabs a marker and takes off as quick as he can crawling. Yep, he knows. Tonight we were at Red Robin, he was sitting in a high chair at the end of the table, equal distance from Mackenzie and me, and who's food does he keep trying? Who's utensils? Mackenzie's of course. Now, she was quite sweet tonight because she kept offering to share food with him. Good thing, since she really doesn't eat it, except the french fries of course. But, as much as she loves fries, she even gave him some of those.

Watching their sibling relationship evolve really is something else.

Mackenzie comes up with names for him now. Her latest is Zachascooter; where she came up with that, I have NO idea. Lately it seems that many of them involve use of the word Poo Poo. He 'hit' her yesterday and she said, 'Poo boy, I don't like that.' Or the other day she wanted candy and said, 'I have a candy when you put Poo Poo to bed.' So, so sweet. And, she does not get candy just because he goes to bed. She comes up with some interesting propositions though.

As much as he bugs her at times, she is very protective over him. Last week at the zoo when she was in the jumper and he was looking in, another little girl went to touch his hand through the mesh and Mackenzie practically pushed her down. She DOES NOT like anybody messing with her brother. She will get mad. Today at the mall they were in the play area and once it started to get crowded, she seemed to feel that she needed to watch over him. He was fine and just involved in whatever he was doing. At times I think he is her safety net.

TotZachyLove. It will be interesting to watch over the years; See what roles they take on with one another. Already, it changes from minute to minute. It changes from, 'Zachy, You bugging me!,' to 'Zacher, I the Big Sister to the Zacher!.'

  1. Mackenzie got to dress up in her Princess Dress for Halloween and for the first time 'Trick or Treat.' We went into town, to the mall, where they had Malloween. Perfect! She looked precious in her little dress, with sparkly tennis shoes...a Funky Princess! When we go home, she dumped out her bag of candy and just had fun organizing it. She ate her first three! Not surprisingly, she LIKED it! My heart melts when she has fun; really has fun.
  2. Zachy in the bath today. Seems I do not get very much time where I get to just focus on just him. Every time I do, I am amazed at how he shines, his eyes, his smile and his face. He loves to splash and to be squirted with the bath toys. His giggle. Heaven!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Yesterday is a bit of a blur. I missed my TwoGoodThings Post. I did do FotoFriday though.

The night before Miss Mackenzie was sick. So, I was up and down with the poor thing all night. She was sort of cute and sweet in her sickness. At one point, she sadly said, 'I worried about Sister,' referring, of course, to herself. She still was not feeling too well yesterday morning. But, she perked up some by evening, so we hit the elementary school's 'Trunk n Treat.' She only hit up a couple of Trunks, but I think she enjoyed her first Halloween experience (I'm not one of those Moms who takes out their 1 and 2 year old...just not.). She wanted to be a Princess. Don't all three year old girls?

I figured she would sleep in a little this morning, since her sleep the night before was so disrupted. Nope. ‎5:15 am: 'Momma, be my friend and get up.' Uh, No! I had been planning on taking her to the town square for a Halloween Festival, but decided not to drive her for an hour and hope that she would be okay. So, instead, I went shopping. All.By.Myself. Sorry kids. But I liked it. Living as far out as we do, I don't get a chance, like other Moms, to go out for an hour here and there. So, today was a bit of a treat. A five hour treat. Two of it was in the car, but MommyMusic is nice to listen too every once in awhile! I must say that if ever I am not feeling loved, all I have to do is leave. You would have thought the world was coming to an end! Sweetness. And, tomorrow, there is more Halloween fun to be had. We are going to Mall-o-Ween at 4! Be ready, Princess Mackenzie and Spongebob PJ wearing Zachy!

So, how 'bout a little TwoGoodThings catch up?

  1. Zachy reaching up and saying 'Momma.'
  2. Mackenzie in her Princess Dress saying 'Trick or Treat' and 'Thank You,' so shyly.
  1. On this car thing that 'they' have that goes along with the dollhouse, there is a 'radio' that plays music when you press it. Zachy likes to press it over and over and he gets that mischievous smirk on his face and bops his head up and down. It is hilarious! He's a dancer.
  2. Mackenzie trying to get Dad to align with her against Zachy for disrupting their Little People parties. Had to laugh. 'Dad, Zachy bother your party!'

Friday, October 29, 2010


Some photos from our week...

On Friday, we went to the school playground.
Dad was home for the day, so we all had fun together!

We all played 'Monster' and Zachy thought it was Great; He joined right in and said, 'Arrrr.'
Zachy also enjoyed climbing up and going down the slide on his tummy!

This week, Mackenzie decided she was attached to her Hello Kitty.
She came out from naptime on Wednesday and said:
'Momma, I love her so much. I going to snuggle with her all night.'

Not usually one for hats, Zachy decided he wanted things on his head this week.
Hats for one...lookin' a little Brat Pack'ish, I must say.

And random objects...and then he would crawl...
 (This used to be a favorite Mackenzie game too!)

Zachy pretended to talk on the 'phone' (aka Mackenzie's cash register).

Retro Photo Alert!
Mackenzie 'talking on the phone.'
She used to hold it to her ear, but did not actually 'talk' on it until she was walking.
Hmmmm....wonder why she thought you only used it for talking while walking?
60 degrees and she wanted to swim, which lasted about 5 minutes....

'Brrrr Cold,' she said! 'Duh!,' said Zachy.

He might not be walking, but he has figured out to ride things;
 Not just climb over, but ride!

Showing off her 'owie.'

Taking little brother for a ride. Brother says, 'Mommmmma!'

He figured out that he could hold something while standing;
Yet another thing that usually comes...after walking!

 Riding a trike. Seriously?
Uh, Zachy, What about Walking?

 'I love my pumpkin! I wanna sleep with it!' And she did.
(Also shown: Her 'Korean Hippo' aka Tigger.)

Momma and Mackenzie at Zoofest!

And the Big News of the week was Zachy starting Toddler A.
Here he is on Thursday night after finishing his tough two days there.

Well, at least he has four days to recuperate before doing it all again!
Good Job Zachy, Our Little Totboy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Zachy...all dressed and ready to go hang with the Todds on his first day with the Toddler A's

Zachy had his first official 'week' in the Toddler A room. I felt a little worried Tuesday Morning. Well, a lot worried. This is the toughest transition they make at the Center by far. The next hardest is from Toddler B to Preschool (which Mackenzie just made), but I think this one is a little more of a shock to their little selves.

They leave the relative quiet of the Baby Room, which has 'peers' ranging from three months to somewhere around a year. So, while crying might be common, many are still laying around, maybe rolling, some crawling and, at most, very early walkers. Not a lot of stimulation. Cut to the Toddler A's. They are ranging from about twelve to twenty four months. So, we have kids definitely walking, running, riding things, throwing things. And they share a playground with the B's, who are roughly two to three. So, WOW for him!

Dad dropped him off (As he always has...I feel fortunate that I'm not the one. Truthfully, I don't think I'd handle it too well!). Usually Mackenzie gets dropped off first in the Preschool Room, but she wanted to be there for her brother on his first day with the Todds and see him in his new room. She managed to move from denial to acceptance over the last month! She's a big girl, I tell you.

So, they took him to his new digs. Dad set him down and he just started looking around, checking everything out. Mackenzie gave him a hug and they left him.  I got to pick him (them) up on Tuesday. When I got there I could see him from the parking lot, sitting in the yard...crying. No! Not my baby!

I went and got him. He was clearly delighted to have me there to save him. Miss Amy said he did okay for a first day. She said he did better when there fewer kids and that as more kids got there in the morning, he started to get a little overwhelmed. My poor baby. Same thing after nap. As more kids woke up and went outside, he got more nervous. He ate well, apparently. She said that even though he was fussing a little, he ate and ate. Funny little guy. They called him 'BooBoo,' which today Mackenzie informed me that, 'I no want the people in the Toddler A to call my brother BooBoo. I want him to be Zachy.' Protective Big Sister she is. When Zachy and I were walking to get Mackenzie from the Preschool Room, we saw Miss Karla, his beloved Miss Karla. He was being shy and not looking at her, maybe a little upset with her for abandoning him. It was kind of cute, actually.

His 'Snapshot of My Day' from Tuesday said:

Activities I enjoyed: Climbing up the slide steps, sitting in the grass and rolling the ball.

Foods I ate:
Breakfast: eng muffin, egg, melon, milk
Lunch: Cheeseburger, sweet potatoes, watermelon, milk

Naptime: I DID rest well: 12-1:50

I emailed Miss Anne to see how Mackenzie was doing with Zachy's move. According to Miss Anne:

Zach’s transition went very well for her today.  She bounced into the classroom announcing it.  She did cry for a moment when Jeff left, but was recovered before he was out of the building.  She has spent all day talking, laughing and playing with friends.  She mentions how Zach is a “big kid” now.  She has been immersed in the joys of the preschool classroom all day today!
When I picked her up, Miss Sarah also said that Mackenzie had mentioned that her brother was a 'big kid in Toddler A.' Such a trooper my little totgirl is!

Today was his second day, which completed his 'schoolweek.' Dad said the drop off was a bit rougher. Zachy knew what was up this time and started crying pretty quick. Dad said he peeked back in the window after he dropped off Mackenzie and that Zach was still crying, but playing at the same time. I suppose one might say he's a multitasker. At pick up, Dad said that they said that today was much better overall and he was a little more comfortable. He was excited to see Dad when he got there and smiled, which they said was his 'first' smile all day (Ah, my poor baby!). But, again, a better that's a good thing!

His 'Snapshot of My Day' from Today said:

Activities I enjoyed: Riding the bike, digging in the sandbox.
Foods I ate:
Breakfast: cream of wheat, fruit, milk
Lunch: beef, potatoes, fruit, milk

Naptime: I DID rest well: 12-2:45 (whew, those Todds tire him out!)

So, that was Zachy's first week as a Todd. Let's hope it is even smoother for him next week!

And now, for today's TwoGoodThings
  1. Mackenzie came running out to when I got home and said, 'I love you Momma. I love you Momma. I love you Momma' and then jumped in my arms, gave me a big hug and said, 'I missed you today Momma.' sweetlovegirl!
  2. Zachy and I played while he was eating his dinner, making sounds back and forth. He was trying to imitate different noises and then would laugh, his veryveryvery funny laugh.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


  1. I THINK Zachy tried to say Mackenzie's name. He is definitely 'getting it,' the whole language thing. But he looked at her and said three syllables and, if you know him, it sounded like there was a 'Kenzie' effort. He's trying! And he looked like he had a moment of understanding. I almost cried. I can't wait to hear him say her name for sure, for sure.
  2. Together they played in the bathtub tonight. Very sweetly, very kindly, very funny together. Laughing. Imitating one another. Putting bubbles on one another. Did I mention laughing?


TotLife is Complicated! Who knew that being Three could be so hard? Billions of Mothers before Me, but I am just now learning this first hand. But, it's also full of fun and wonder as their minds absorb new things, make new Fisher Price would say, Play, Laugh, Grow!

TotFriendships. Yes, at age Three they are figuring out social relationships. Mackenzie has her favorite friends that she plays with at school. Sometimes these friends change for whatever reason and they form new little clicks. She also references arguments that they get into, usually seeming to involve someone not wanting to play with someone or two friends not wanting to play the same thing. She has used the word 'Boss,' to say that So and So is 'Not the boss.' One day she came home and reported that she had hidden in the 'kitchen' at school (the playkitchen in the room) and said something about hurting Saige and wanting to still be Saige's friend. From what Jeff says, they were in fact playing together when he got there. When I asked her more about it she said, 'I can't talk about it Momma.' Whatever happened, I think she felt bad.

Yes, at age Three they are already learning some of the painful lessons related to relationships and caring. As her Mother, it's hard not to worry as she goes through these things, seemingly too young to understand. But it's all a part of growing up, right? The mistakes. The hurt. The learning.  And, realistically, it is fortunate that she is in a positive, safe place where she has capable role models who guide her and her friends through the complications of Being Three and Being Friends! Through these experiences, they will - she will -  hopefully develop empathy, kindness, patience, the ability to compromise and negotiate, problem solve, share and take turns. Express her feelings, needs and wants and be able to respect the feelings, needs and wants of others. Accept similarities and differences. Yes, all this at age Three.

At home she gets to practice these same things as a Sister. I was talking to Julie about how her boys will fight at times. Much of it, at this time, is because Ben usually wants whatever Caleb has; Ben is almost Three and Caleb is Seven and a half. At their house, they can reason with Caleb and let him know that it's not fair but can he help out and give Ben something or do whatever is needed to deescalate the situation. Here, Mackenzie, at Three, is put in the position of having to be the Big Sibling. It's tough on her. She is still pretty egocentric and impulsive herself, at least she is when compared to a Seven and half year old. We can't really 'reason' with her. A little, but not totally. And, she also doesn't understand that we KNOW it is hard on her. We can say it, but, at this age, all she knows is feelings first, her feelings that is. I believe this is all good, but I can see how hard it is on her at times.

However, I can also see how she IS learning. And that is exciting. I see times when she will ask Zachy to play with her and will offer to share some cars with him. Sure, she gets ten and he gets two. But WOW! What effort. Also, she's pretty smart, so she KNOWS he doesn't know the difference. She will play with him at times on his level, imitating him and playing silly back and forth 'baby' games, thus showing some awareness of how he is different as a One year old and what his 'needs' are as such. She talks about being a good friend and what that means in reference to her friends and her brother as her 'friend.' She practices. So much of her imaginary play revolves around all the lessons she is learning about relationships. She gets all her Little People and Animals together. They take turns, ask if one another is 'Okay,' share and have fun. She acts it all out with them and chatters the whole time. Learning. Amazing.

I find it hard to believe that all this is going on for a Three year old. It seems impossible to imagine that she is capable of integrating such complex concepts already, but she is. As I said, I see it already, in little ways. But they are HUGE for her. And, I am proud of her. I am proud of her as I watch her so thoughtfully work through these things in play and in life. She is a sensitive little girl. And sweet and caring. I see it with her friends. I see it with us. I see it with her brother.

And now, for some TotMusings....

  1.  Mackenzie really wanted me to get some 'real' pajamas. So, I came home one day with some cute Eeyore PJ's, which I thought would make her happy, since she loves Eeyore. I put 'em on and showed her and she got the biggest smile, tilted her head to the side and said, 'Momma you look so cute.'  Later that night, she said, 'I want to snuggle with your pajamas Momma.' And, she did, she cuddled up to my leg.
  2. One day she called me the bathroom and said, 'Momma, I need you out of here because I need my privacy.' I left and she called me back again to tell me the same thing.
  3. After asking her to come eat lunch she said, 'I can't. I doing my paperwork now.' Huh?
  4. One day when she was playing Daycare, she had her babies all over and if anyone...Zachy...came near them she would scream. I told her she could not take over the house and said, 'I not going to take over the house. It the Pre-K room. Right now the babies are sleeping.' Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't realise this was the Pre-K. Okay then my Totgirl, by all means, take over.
  5. At Preschool they sing a song about how 'Something good is going to happen today...' One day at home, she started singing, 'Something poo poo is going to happen today...'
  6. She's really into being a 'Bigger Girl.'  Last week she asked, 'Momma, when I a bigger girl, will you get me a bra?' and, 'When I a bigger girl, will I have a baby.?'
  7. The 'baby' thing is a bit of a theme for her. Today she said‎, 'When I grow up I going to be a Mommy' and 'When I grow up I going to ride a BIG bike!' Strangely similar...because with both, when you fall off, you have to get right back up and try again!
  8. When we were outside today, she dropped off 'her' baby to me, who she referenced as 'Miss Kim' and told me, Miss Kim, 'I be back to pick up my baby. I go to jail now. See you in TWO.MORE.MINUTES!' Huh? Jail? What? Really?
  9. A few days ago, I referred to her as a 'person' and she said, 'I not a person, I MACKENZIE!' Hey, at least she's honest!
  10. And, since the theme of the initial post was about relationships, can you picture a bunch of Three Year Olds saying the following...together, before they eat lunch...
Thank you for the food we eat;
It's good for our bodies;
Bon Appetit!
Tell me that's not adorable!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today I worked and the kids went off to Totbabycollege. I guess I can now call it Totcollege since, as of today, neither of mine are in the Baby Room. I think I will wait to summarize Zachy's first week with the Todds on Thursday, after his first 'week' there is officially done.

TwoGoodThings for Today...
  1. Seeing Zachy smile again with his big, bright eyes, once he got home and was recovered from his first day with the Todds.
  2. Getting this photo of Mackenzie emailed to me by her teacher, Miss Anne. WOW, do I love it.  It really does capture 'her.'

Monday, October 25, 2010


I ran across a blog entry on Baby Center that was about a Mother's Five Biggest Mistakes. One of them was not enjoying the day to day because of everything else going on. I am guilty.  I have always said that no matter how rough the day is, both my kids will inevitably do something that makes me smile or laugh and feel all warm with love.

So, I am going to make a huge effort to write one for each of my kids daily. The TwoGoodThings might be the only entry for the day. Or perhaps it will be included at the end of another entry. But I want to here I go...

Today's TwoGoodThings...
  1. Playing haircut and doctor with Mackenzie. Somehow she morphed the two. Regardless, she was in charge of me for a good half hour and she loved every moment of it. I loved watching her mind work.
  2. Zachy eating dinner. He has the cutest way of eating. He sucks his food. Maybe not cute to others, but I find it, find him, adorable.


Tomorrow Zachy starts in the Toddler A Room.

I have his cubby stuff packed and ready to go.

He's still not walking, not even a step yet. But, he is a climber, great at pushing things and standing, so he will walk when he is ready.

Yesterday we FINALLY changed him over from the Infant to the 'Regular' Car Seat. We took a ride and he LOVED his new view. He also loved saying, 'Momma'  over and over again and having me turn around and look at him. He kept cracking his cute self up. I asked Mackenzie what she thought of him being in the Big Boy Car Seat and she said, 'I think it going to be GREAT,' with total enthusiasm.

I am anxious about tomorrow. But, as I have said before, I know he will be fine. He has been there and had a great time. Even taken a nap there...longest one of his 14 months. Nonetheless, tomorrow is a Big Day, as he will officially be with the Todds!

'Wow this is COOL!'

'Made ya look again Momma!'

Of course Mackenzie needed her picture taken too...

Good Luck Tomorrow ZachyTot! Momma will be thinking good thoughts (and for you too Totgirl, because I know tomorrow will be a little different for you also! )!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today was Zoofest Day at our 'local' Animal Sanctuary. Our 'Zoo,' which cares for animals that have been rescued. They have a bear and a tiger and deer and coyotes and a bobcat and lemurs and more. Oh, and Mackenzie's favorite...the Peacocks. Zachy? He loves the chickens. A Special Place. We celebrated the kid's first and third joint birthdays there this year.

We had planned to meet Momma Julie and Benjamin, age almost three, there. His older brother Caleb was off camping with his Dad and the Cub Scouts.

Since we had plans, of course Mackenzie was somewhat under the weather. Yesterday she had some diarrhea, which actually lasted through the middle of the night (Thank You, Pull Ups!). But this also disrupted her sleep and she woke up super early, although she might have fallen back asleep, I'm not sure. She seemed to be okay this morning. Did not eat much, but that is not unusual for her totappetite. Zachy did not eat too much either. A little more unusual, since he tends to have a pretty good appetite. Considering it was a pretty hectic morning, we managed a rather timely departure.

I was a little worried because Mackenzie struggles when she is tired and under the weather. A lot like her Momma in this way! I hoped that her diarrhea was gone since she was not complaining of any stomach discomfort this morning. Well, maybe a little, but she is in a phase where something always hurts. My Very Own Little Tot Who Cried Wolf. On the way there, someplace in the middle of nowhere, she started crying and saying she had to go Poo. Ut-oh, as Zachy would say. We were going to pull over as soon as we found something, but she seemed to feel better after about five minutes and we were almost to the Zoo. We get there, get her out of the car, and get Zachy out of the car. Throw Up. Zachy. All Over. Me and Zachy. Ut-oh. Julie and Ben pulled up right then. I figured we would have to turn around and go right home, but Jeff convinced me to give it a try (Provided I could find a new shirt...Zachy had a change of clothes Thanks to a prepared MiaMomma). I scored a great Heritage Park Sweatshirt that changes color depending on if you are inside or outside or in the dark. Pretty cool. Thanks, Zachy! Sorry you weren't feeling well, but Thanks!

Of course I was pretty worried about my two semi-sick kiddos, but we had a great time. The event was perfect for our three little ones. Small, contained and not overcrowded. Not too much stimulation, which given Mackenzie's potential for meltdowns, this was for sure good thing!

Mackenzie and Ben enjoyed the jumper.

Zachy REALLY wanted to enjoy the jumper too. Poor Guy. Next year!

They got to pet a snake. Here's Ben!

They made little Pumpkin on a Stick crafts. Mackenzie put a frown on her's. Of course she did. She's an Independent Thinker; Yes She Is!

Zachy chased around the chickens, which is becoming somewhat of a tradition for him at this point.

Of course they had a wonderful time on the playground.

Zachy got to practice climbing on some really age inappropriate things. The boy is fearless.

(He also loved crawling through the tunnel. He is such a trooper. Other than being a little queasy looking at the start, he totally perked up!)

They went through the Hay Maze, where...Proud Bragging Momma Moment....the Executive Director took pictures of Zachy for their Newsletter cause he looked soooo cute. See for yourself!

His sister soon joined him.

And once she found him... 

Of course she HAD to start the torture...He loved it, by the way!

All in All, a Surprisingly Fabulous Day!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Those who don't believe in love at first sight have never given birth♥

While I am sure there are many who have not given birth who also believe in love at first sight, I would venture to say that there are not many who have given birth who do not believe in love at first sight (or Mothers who became Mothers in their own Special Ways). The Experience is Spectacular, a Miracle. It seems Impossible to look at something as Pure as a Newborn, your Newborn, and not feel Love.  

I fell in love with both of my children at first sight. I fall in love with both of them again and again and a little more each day. I fall in love again with them first thing in the morning; and when  I have been at work and see them after a long day; and when they do something cute or sweet or funny or new or just wonderful; and when they laugh or smile; and when I am alone in my thoughts, and thinking of them and how lucky I am to have them in my life.

Mackenzie Nicole...I fell in love at first sight with you on 8.16.07 at 2:29 pm...and have loved you more and more with each passing day...

Zachary Jason, I fell in love at first sight with you on 8.20.09 at 4:54 am...and have loved you more and more with each passing day...

Before you were conceived, I wanted you Before you were born, I loved you Before you were here an hour, I would die for you This is the miracle of love.
-Maureen Hawkins


Last weekend we made it to the Ranching and Mining Festival

Mackenzie got to visit her 'Old School.'

Zachy bonded with the local wildlife...he LOVED this guy.

Mackenzie learned about local transportation.

Back at the homestead...

Mackenzie kept pretending she was crashing.

While Zachy practiced climbing on, over and back and forth...for a solid half hour!

On Dad's Day of Duty...

Such sad faces...Mom don't go!

Zachy was left to fend for himself with animals & choking hazards (note the necklace in his hands).

And continued to practice his new skill on another vehicle.

While Mackenzie pretended Rufus was a horse.

The gang just hanging out...

Later in the week....
We begun to get ready for colder weather by getting a smaller climber for inside areas.
Zachy LOVES it...I know, Zachy loves a lot of things, and most of them involve climbing!

Mackenzie found the secret hideaway spot.

Fighting for space.

And, when they tire of the climber, there's always the box it arrived in.

Something else for Zachy to climb on. It rocks too! There's Rufus, again. Zachy calls him 'Roo.'

Mackenzie incorporating her new toy into her imaginary preschool game.

If he can, he'll climb on it. I think we're in trouble with this one!