Tuesday, October 5, 2010


My babyboyZachy is growing and changing in huge ways these days. He is rapidly making the transition from a baby to a tot. Today, his transition date at the Totbabycollege from the Infant Room to the Toddler A room was set...October 25th. He made his first visit and had 'fun playing outside with old friends.' He is ready. He might not be walking just yet, but his curious self will love all the new things, the larger playground, the jungle gym and all that they have for him there. He loves learning and he loves doing, so the time is right. How does MiaMomma feel? Happy.Sad. More Happy than Sad

Sad just because he won't be a baby anymore and there is something so extrasweet about babies, especially mine! But, Happy because watching him grow and learn is sosovery fun to watch.

Every day he learns something new, figures something out, makes new connections. He is really quite a studious little guy and has started to develop some patience and a bit of an attention span when he is trying to take something apart or put it together. Simple things of course (to us adults anyways). He likes nesting and stacking toys and things that open and close or fit together. He seems to have pretty good problem solving and spatial skills for a 13 month old. And persistence!

Zachy has started to imitate things. He loves to do basic imitation, like if you shake your head he will do the copycat thing. And loves when you copy him. These things make him laugh, once again that adorable, chuckle.

He has really started to use "language" to communicate. Still mostly his own special Zachylanguage, but his words are starting to take form and it seems he has a few "words" in his vocabulary; "Mama" of course, "Dat" for that, and it seems he says "Ada" for Dada. Yesterday he said, "Nigh, Nigh," as he pointed to and asked for a bottle. "Night Night" is what Mackenzie has always called a bottle with milk in it; She made that association before she was One and, since then, that is what she has always called a milk bottle. Zachy picked up on that and asked for it and when he got it, he laughed, a delighted with his fabulous self laugh.

And today, he stood up independently again, but this time all by himself! Meaning he went from sitting to standing without someone helping him and letting go. ALL BY HIMSELF! Purejoy smile and laugh. MommaMelts! I predict he will take some steps within the next couple of weeks. Not sure when he will walkwalk, but steps should be soon. Although he has not walked yet, he definitely is a physical little guy. Yesterday I caught him trying to climb out of his crib. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but on his first birthday he climbed up a slide, which totally took me by surprise. Yep, we got ourselves a climberboy! A pretty fearless one at that, which makes MiaMomma a bit nervous at times.

Far from comprehensive, but that's a snapshot of ZachyToday...learning, growing...a social little guy who loves to laugh and loves the ironic. He's done just taking it all in, he's ready to TAKE IT!

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