Friday, October 29, 2010


Some photos from our week...

On Friday, we went to the school playground.
Dad was home for the day, so we all had fun together!

We all played 'Monster' and Zachy thought it was Great; He joined right in and said, 'Arrrr.'
Zachy also enjoyed climbing up and going down the slide on his tummy!

This week, Mackenzie decided she was attached to her Hello Kitty.
She came out from naptime on Wednesday and said:
'Momma, I love her so much. I going to snuggle with her all night.'

Not usually one for hats, Zachy decided he wanted things on his head this week.
Hats for one...lookin' a little Brat Pack'ish, I must say.

And random objects...and then he would crawl...
 (This used to be a favorite Mackenzie game too!)

Zachy pretended to talk on the 'phone' (aka Mackenzie's cash register).

Retro Photo Alert!
Mackenzie 'talking on the phone.'
She used to hold it to her ear, but did not actually 'talk' on it until she was walking.
Hmmmm....wonder why she thought you only used it for talking while walking?
60 degrees and she wanted to swim, which lasted about 5 minutes....

'Brrrr Cold,' she said! 'Duh!,' said Zachy.

He might not be walking, but he has figured out to ride things;
 Not just climb over, but ride!

Showing off her 'owie.'

Taking little brother for a ride. Brother says, 'Mommmmma!'

He figured out that he could hold something while standing;
Yet another thing that usually comes...after walking!

 Riding a trike. Seriously?
Uh, Zachy, What about Walking?

 'I love my pumpkin! I wanna sleep with it!' And she did.
(Also shown: Her 'Korean Hippo' aka Tigger.)

Momma and Mackenzie at Zoofest!

And the Big News of the week was Zachy starting Toddler A.
Here he is on Thursday night after finishing his tough two days there.

Well, at least he has four days to recuperate before doing it all again!
Good Job Zachy, Our Little Totboy!

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