Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We had a really good day yesterday. It was beautiful out, and should be even nicer as the week continues. We got some sunshine, Zach took a nice nap, Mackenzie played nicely by herself for a little bit, and Mommy never felt like I was totally struggling to keep up.

This week's 2Good things have both already been referenced, but they really were awesome.
  1. Zachy saying Mommy and not just Momma. Something so sweet about hearing your child call you Mommy.
  2. Mackenzie and I stumbling upon a circus. The look on her face as she clapped along with vigorous excitement. Simply delightful.
  3. Here's a third: This week they have had a few times where they have played well together: taking turns pushing one another on the racing car, making 'paddy cakes' in the sandbox, and collecting rocks in the creek.

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