Friday, March 18, 2011


I got me some catching up to do. Life's been busy. So, today I'm just going to bullet point a bunch of random tidbits - sort of like twitter tweets. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. A totmusing here, a new 'thing' there. I won't include any vacation talk, because that will be it's own post, but I want to try to catch up on 'everything else.

Over the last couple of weeks, life has included...
  • You guys had a fun, fun playdate with Ari and Cate not last but the Friday before. Ari and Mackenzie played fantastically together! Momma T and I both loved seeing how you guys are developing socially. Learning to take turns, share things, problem solve. Beautiful! And Cate, she was hilarious. Full of so much spunk, I decided she has earned the title of 'Nut-Nut,' which is what we called Mackenzie when she was 'younger.' Zachy - you stayed on Mommy the whole time, except when you napped. I think you loved it, having my undivided snuggles that is.
  • The next day we went to a party for one of Mackenzie's friends, Maverick. Again, Mackenzie played fabulously with her friends. As always, loved seeing her with her totschool peeps. Miss Anne was there as well, with Teddy and Lucy, who's in Zachy's class. Chance, from Zachy's class, was also there. Awesome time! Both of you were wonderful and had fun.
  • And the next day, Mackenzie and I went to the Dollar Tree and Walmart. Mackenzie got dinosaurs to play with. And to share with Zachy, which she did. Very well.
  • Talking about her friends Mackenzie explained, Me and Saige are fun girls! Kayden, he's just a little bit fun.
  • Mackenzie's art was focused in the Preschool e-newsletter! Yay! It said she had said that she made it for Zachy and Daddy. When I read what it said, she let me know that she also made it for me and her. Sweet little Miss, worrying about my feelings. But I told her that it's okay for her to make a picture for Daddy and Zachy too.
  • Amazing how Zachy the food thrower can manage to hold on just fine to an ice cream cone. Zachy, you can thank Grammie for your first ice cream cone. Mackenzie, so can you, but you had yours about a year later.
  • Mom: We're leaving right after we wash your face. Mackenzie: But I look beautiful with my dirty face. Okay then. And we're off!
  • Yesterday I asked Zachy to get the 'blue one.' A stretch I know. But he went and got a Balloon! Smart little guy, isn't he? Equally as smart, Mackenzie said, That's not blue! That's yellow (referring to the balloon he brought me).
  • Mackenzie told me today that Coyotes eat cats. She then told me that they could eat our cats. When I let her know that meant our cats would die and we would not have them anymore, she replied with That's okay. We can buy another one. I think the girl thinks money grows on trees!
  • When we were at the hotel, I told Zachy to put Mackenzie's milk back in the refrigerator and shut the door. And he did! That's a two part command. And he's only 19 months old, well almost.
  • Lately when I put Zachy in his crib, he likes to stand up, holding his Gunky, and hug for a little bit. Then he goes down when he's ready. It's sweet.
  • Last week I told Mackenzie we were going to 'run' to the library. Her reply? That's not safe, someone could get hurt. We should take the car.
  • Zachy was walking with a balloon between his ankles a couple of days ago. Cute. And hilarious.
  • Zachy likes to take things like vacuum hoses and pretend he is spraying things. He even makes noises. This gets Mackenzie upset because, in her words, I no want to get sprayded!
  • Mackenzie was trying to get my attention and cleared her throat. Huh? Where'd she learn that?
  • Mackenzie has decided she has a magic wand to turn things into what she wants. This could be trouble.
  • Zachy's reallyReallyREALLY active. That's the good news. The bad news is that it's impossible to get him dressed or change his diaper. Difficult and frustrating despite how cute he is!
  • Zachy says There go when he hands you something.
  • Yesterday Mackenzie came up with the idea of putting the pool at the bottom of the slide for a water slide. I was impressed. She's got some creativity that girl of mine!
  • Zachy came in and said Swing? basically asking me to go out with him and push him in the swing.
  • Zachy fell in love with trains when we were in Phoenix. Maybe before, actually, but Phoenix sealed the deal. This morning he saw the book The Little Engine That Could  and sat down with it, pointing and saying Choo-Choo!
  • Zachy has been pointing to the potty and saying Pee Pee.  I put him on and he sits there, really focused. Wondering what's supposed to happen next, I suppose. He then points to the toilet paper, I give him some, and he wipes.
  • Mackenzie has a new imaginary friend, Kenda. So far she seems nice enough. Earlier I had to tell them that they looked 'Gorgeous.'
  • Totally thought Zachy said 'Blue' as he pointed at blue PlayDoh. And then he went and found a balloon. Has anyone noticed that the boy has a thing with balloons? He loves 'em. Of course he does. They present a choking hazard.
  • Last week we were playing store and Mackenzie very seriously said I don't have dollars. I have money. Had she pulled out a debit card, it would have been even funnier. Who knows if they'll even have money or debit cards by the time you guys see this.
  • Zachy now points to his behind and says 'Bum Bum.' Let the fun begin!
  • I think Zachy has a favorite TV show. Little Bill. Usually he's oblivious to TV, but whenever he hears the music he shouts out Li Bi! and points.
  • One day, Mackenzie was talking about how Coyotes eat cats and said that they could eat our cats. I explained that then they would die and we would not be able to see them anymore. She responded with That's okay. We can buy new ones.
  • A couple of days ago, Mackenzie actually woke up after the sun had risen and said with concern: Oh no, the light's already on!
  • Zachy goes in the corner now to do his 'business.' No expectation that he will potty train any time soon. Probably not for a year or so. But I still find it strangely cute when they do their 'hiding' thing.
  • Yesterday at lunch time Mackenzie started to shout out different words to Zachy and he would repeat them. They were both hysterical. She ate up the attention. Momma Loves SilbingLove Moments.
  • Zachy's 19 month old self just came to me and said 'Ouchy,' while pointing to his foot. Cute!
  • Mackenzie just said 'Potty is poopy, yucky, gross,' when I asked her to go potty before we leave. Not one to mince her words. No, not my Mackenzie. She cracks me up.
  • Zachy said Wuv you after I told him I love him. He probably isn't totally sure what it means, but, ah, it sounded sweet anyway.
  • Just like it does when Mackenzie says it. And she KNOWS what it means!
  • Did I really leave eggs on the floor for a 19 month to play with? Momma of the Year, right here! Well, Zachy, you enjoyed yourself.
Okay my little ones. There's always more. I started this yesterday and finally 'finished' it today. We've been busy lately, which is great, but doesn't leave much time for getting things recorded.

Mackenzie, You have been a delight these days. You still have your sass and incredible spirit, but you're also learning how to interact with the world and people around you. You have a sense of adventure, which I saw so clearly last weekend when we went to Phoenix with Grammie. You love to explore and learn about new things. You reason through things. You love to make people laugh. You are creative and your imagination blows my mind every day. And you're sweet and loving. Really, really sweet and loving. I love to snuggle with you. I'll miss these days when you're too big to snuggle anymore.

Zachary, You are growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday you were a baby and now you are all toddler. You are fun and equally as funny. It seems almost overnight that you have started to really communicate with words. People always comment on how easy going you are, but I also see how you let us know when you don't like something. I like that. You have patience. I don't know if you'll have it when your three, but you have it now. You're able to sit and focus with things. And seem to have an ability for figuring out things. You like music and singing and dancing. You aren't afraid to join right in with what everyone around you is doing. And just like your sister, you are sweet, sweet and loving and an amazing snuggler

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