Friday, November 5, 2010


Today, was just not fluffy.

I decided to wake up early to get thirty minutes on the treadmill. Five A.M. I got myself out of bed. I walked through the house and I hear Zachy start to cry. I felt myself tense up. But Jeff was in there, so I let him deal with Zachy and just waited. Sitting quietly. Not exercising. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes. Thirty minutes. Still crying and at Five Thirty A.M. Mackenzie woke up. Really? You mean to tell me I can't even wake up earlier than I want to wake up and have a little quiet then? Really? Motherhood is Hard. And, of course I felt guilty for somehow managing to wake the whole house up, although I had made no noise.

Furthermore, we had a playdate scheduled for the day with Momma Tess, Ari and Cate. Why?Why?Why must my daughter inevitably wake up early and/or be sick just about Every Single Time we have something fun planned? Especially since she doesn't do well AT ALL when she doesn't have enough rest. Not at all. But I figured, ya gotta roll with it.

Momma Tess's kids are the same ages roughly as Mackenzie and Zachy. They got here about Eleven. Things started off alright, for about ten minutes. Maybe ten. Then, sure enough Mackenzie started to struggle. I think it started with Cate having put a sticker in her mouth. Apparently this was Mackenzie's FAVORITE sticker EVER. And things just went down from there. No matter WHAT anybody was doing, Mackenzie was distraught. Of course the one year olds seemed intent on setting her off every chance they got. It was almost like a Self Fulfilling Prophecy. I took her to her room a couple of times to try to give her a break. (I don't believe in public 'discipline.' And, I have to believe she might have been a little embarrassed herself. Who likes to be out of control over their emotions? I know I don't.) At one point she took a bottle of water and laid in her bed. Great,  I thought, Maybe she will nap. She was gone about twenty-five quiet minutes and then came out. Maybe she got a little mental break and will be okay now? One can hope, right? Of course one can hope, doesn't mean it'll happen, but hope away! The rest of the playdate pretty much moved along like the first part. Whining. Demanding. Screaming. Crying. Tess and I managed to get in some conversation and laughs despite my very negative attention seeking tot. But, you gotta laugh through this Motherhood thing. Otherwise, you might just go insane.

She conked out about five minutes after they left, which was about an hour past her normal naptime and two to three past what time she should have napped given her 'delicate' state.

I think she fell asleep with her hand in mid-hair-twirl.

Not the best day. It pretty much continued most of the afternoon. She perked up some about four-thirty, which was when Zachy woke from his nap. He then fussed for the next two hours. Yep, my usually pretty mellow boy fussed for the next two hours. It felt like a conspiracy. A mean, mean joke.

As far as my TwoGoodThings for goes nothing...TwoGoodThingsPlusOne
  1. Zachy fake coughing and laughing after he did. Funny. Made me laugh. So did this...
  2. See above. Mackenzie...asleep. Love you Mackenzie, but it's true. Otherwise, you weren't too happy a girl. I hope you sleep well and have a better day tomorrow.
  3. Given how yuck the day was, I need to have a ThirdGoodThing so I can go to bed feeling just a little better. They had about ten minutes of fun together, late in the evening, throwing dirt at one another. Both of them laughing at the same time and neither of them fussing...

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