Thursday, November 18, 2010


Fairly easy appointments today at work, so I was able to slip out a little early and pick up the kids from totbabycollege. I really have to stop calling it totbabycollege and just totcollege, since they are both officially tots now.

It was a GreatPickUp! I got to watch both for a few minutes before they saw me, which I loved because they were both totally enjoying their totcollege worlds.

When I walked into the preschool room I could hear my darling totgirl's voice from the bathroom, talking excitedly about pottying with another totgirl. That sounds a little odd. But, Yes, they already go to the bathroom together. And, they are three, so their conversation is pretty limited to the Here and Now. I could see her standing, chatting very animatedly. She was surprised and happy to see me. Did I mention that on Tuesday she told Miss Sara that she wanted me to pick her up? Sweet, huh? And then Dad told her he had chocolate milk in the car (failed to mention that Mom prepared it!), and then she was just excited to get to the car. Nice. But, hey, at least I am up there somewhere close to chocolate milk in the rankings, right? Today, Miss Sara said that Mackenzie had an absolutely great day and was a lot of fun. Translation: Crazy Girl showed up! Lucky them. Crazy Girl IS a lot of fun! I LOVE Crazy Girl!

When I looked in her folder for any 'take home's,' she had made me a card that Said, 'Mommy, I miss you. I love you. Kenzie.' My heart is full!

We then went to get Zachy. Miss Amy was in the room cleaning up and Zachy was out on the playground. She said he has been doing very well. Happy, eating good, intrigued by all his friends. Really starting to enjoy himself. I felt a little relieved hearing that since I have not had a chance to pick him up since his first day and that day he was pretty clearly shell shocked. I peaked outside and saw him on the playground. Pushing a wooden walker thing and then stopping to put wood chips in the front of his walker. So busy, So Intent, and, most importantly, So Content. Oh, and did I mention, So Adorable? They saw him walk today. All across the wood chips! Not a flat, even surface! He is getting good! I might just have to officially declare him a walker. I'm going to see what he does tomorrow though. He was happy when he saw us there to get him. He held my hand as we walked through the playground to the door. He's so Proud of himself. I LOVE it.

Yes, the pick up was great. Seeing them happy and in their world was stupendous. I love how herself my Mackenzie is there. Oh, and they said that she is 'fine' and has 'adjusted' well to Zachy's move. She did a good job working through her feelings and letting him move on. Yay, Mackenzie! I love how Zachy is doing well now and happy with the Todds. Adjusted to the move himself. Yay, He's a Big Boy Now!

Drive home was a bit of a bummer; Their exuberance had worn off and their tired set in. Man oh Man, that already long drive can seem even longer when it involves screaming kids! But, I just kept smiling and picturing them happy and thinking about our GreatPickUp from the totcollege.

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