Sunday, November 7, 2010


OhhhhZachy, I think We're going to have our hands full with you, just like your sister, only different.

I'm not sure if I can do literary justice to what happened this afternoon. I hear Zachy crying. I ask Mackenzie what happened; I was pretty sure she hit him or something because she was hiding her face. She told me that she hit him with some toys she was playing with. He was bugging her; I know, but she still cannot use the toys as weapons. She knows she is supposed to ask for my help. So, I took away the toy. Naturally, totgirl was not happy about this. MyPoorTotgirl! On one level, I feel bad for her. Self control is a big responsibility for a three year old, especially when you have a fourteen month old that pushes you beyond any level of control you are capable of having. But, life is painful and this is how she's going to learn. (I do cut her some slack sometimes, because I know it is tough for her.)

Next she sees Zachy playing with some toys out of a bin and comes over to grab the bin. So, I hold onto it and next thing you know, she and I are both holding on for our lives. But laughing. Or trying not to. Zachy decides to get in the mix. So, he starts to throw stuff at her and then hits her (not hard, he is only fourteen months; I don't even think he made any actual contact) and then he 'yells' at her. Poor totgirl is ganged up on. But now I'm cracking up. I couldn't help it. But seriously, Mackenzie was never a hitter (until Zachy came along that is). He's a little SpitFire that boy. He loves to pester her. I'm not sure if he understands that she is 'upset,' but he sure enjoys the reaction. My guess is, as funny as it is now, we might be in for some stormy weather ahead!

  1. Piggybacking off the above....this evening Mackenzie was playing party. Actually it was more like she had set all the 'guys' (I love how she calls her Little People the 'guys') up in an audience and she was performing for them. Then I started to sing with her, so we were performing together for the 'guys.' Zachy decides to get in on the action. He starts to take one 'guy' at a time and turn around with it. She starts screaming and he starts cracking up and throws it 'to' (more like 'at' her). Dad and I start cracking up too, because really it is hilarious. After a couple of minutes of trying her best to be furious, Mackenzie got in the spirit of it and started to see it has humorous and joined in on 'his game.' Love moments like that.
  2. Spending some time with Zachy while Mackenzie was napping. And getting some time to see a little more of who he is. Most importantly, a pretty happy little totboy!
  3. Before bed, Mackenzie said, 'Momma, I too pooped to pop!'

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