Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Usually I work on Tuesday, but I'm home with the kids today. Did I mention that, starting today, I only work one day out of the next fourteen? I think I can handle that. Anyhoo, my goal today is to keep a list of their cuteness. Oh, and to take great care of them, of course. So, here I go....starting now!

  • Groggy Mackenzie telling Zachy, I still waking up. I no want you to touch my face.
  • Zachy 'running' up to me and laughing. I see he has a chapstick in his hand, which he knows he is not supposed to have. Once he knows he's busted, he turns and 'runs' away laughing so I'll chase him. Goofball BabyTotBoy!
  • Zachy pouring 95% of the milk out of his sippy cup 'cause he still treats it like a science experiment eight months and counting later. Then he takes the last sip as if he's been drinking it all along (despite all the white liquid evidence on his tray). After taking that 'last sip,' he signs More, not  because he wants more to drink, of course, but to pour all over his tray. Clever little sixteen month old I have. And wasteful.
  • Mackenzie getting mad at Rufusdog for 'knocking' her off her chair. And laying there moaning until I came to check out the scene of the accident (Worry not, no tots were harmed in the process, no matter what she wants us to think!).
  • Mackenzie playing 'baby.' Oh wait, that's not cute. That's totally annoying. Keeping it real.
  • Zachy bringing me his shoes and saying, Out.
  • After getting his shoes on and realising that did not get him outside, he brings me his jacket. It worked. How could I resist that much cuteness?
  • Mackenzie sounds so sweet when she is playing Totcollege. I hope she really talks to her teachers that nicely! I am thinking she does. Hmmmm. I wonder if she plays Momma's daughter Mackenzie at school and talks to them there like she talks to me here. 'Tude and all.  Hmmm. That would be interesting. Might get her expelled.
  • Zachy doing the Downward Dog.
  • Mackenzie asking me to close the gate to the playroom aka her house. Her imagination is adorable and pure genius. And her quietly playing alone, not too bad too! I like.
  • Zachy laughing with glee as I get his science experiment ready, aka milk in a sippy cup, at lunch. One  would think the saying Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results applies here eight months and counting later. But seriously, eventually he has to learn to drink liquid out of it, right?
  • Zachy trying to feed Mackenzie and Mackenzie saying, I NO want you to feed me Zachy!
  • The two of them building a tower of blocks...together.
  • Mackenzie actually being able to build the tower while I changed Zachy's diaper and then saying, Do-da-da-doooo! I the Big Kid! Right.As.Zachy.Knocked.It.Down. Ahhhhhh!!!!!
  • Zachy and Mackenzie dancing to Lauri Berkman. Smiling just thining of it.
  • Mackenzie coming in the kitchen and saying, Mom, Olivia is not over, in effort to avoid laying down for a rest. (She got to watch Olivia before nap and was to tell me when it was done.)
  • After telling Mackenzie she needs to go to her room for rest time (translation Momma needs quiet time), she walks toward the playroom and says, This my room! Nice try, Mackenzie, Nice try!
  • Just when I think I cannot take another disastrous naptime, they both fall asleep perfectly. Cute, maybe not. Awesome, totally. Although if I picture their sweet sleeping faces, that is insanely cute.
  • Zachy giving himself kisses in the mirror.
  • Playing Princess Zachy and Queen Mackenzie. Yep, Zachy put on a little Princess skirt, by 'choice.'
  • Zachy 'helping' me carry the laundry basket to the bedroom. Oh, he was so happy with himself. Mackenzie then joined in and he loved that too.
  • Zachy doing his 'new' thing at bedtime and getting out of bed, walking to the door, walking to see Mackenzie and then running away laughing 'cause he's busted. (This is the second time I have mentioned Zachy getting busted. Mischevious little guy, isn't he?)
  • Mackenzie saying, Thank you for a good day too. I love you too, Momma, before bed.
Yep, it was a CuteCuteCute Day! Lovin' My Babies!

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