Monday, December 20, 2010


I guess the official countdown to Christmas is here. My Oh My.  Today is a Monday and I worked. I am off for the next nine days and then work one followed by four more off. I think I can handle that. Totcollege is closed this week and today the kids went to Carol's. They will also go on Wednesday and I will focus on the arduous tasks of packing and wrapping. Whopppeeee!

I think our weekend was good. We had our most wonderful Gingerbread Making House Party on Friday. Saturday we went to a party at some friend's house, Ann and Harry. We didn't get home until after nine, which is really late around here. Yesterday we were too pooped to pop as Mackenzie might say. Before bed we all drove around a little bit and looked at some lights. Mackenzie wanted them all on her side. I think Zachy even got the idea, somewhat.

Saturday and Sunday we made Grandma presents. Mackenzie painted frames. She did a lovely job. Then Sunday Mackenzie and Zachy made sweatshirts with their handprints. That was an experience. They turned out cute, definitely made by little hands. It's the thought that counts, right?

A couple random points...
  • Over the weekend Zachy decided he likes to walk backwards. Why? Because he can. He thinks it's pretty funny. So do I. I also happen to think it's really cute too.
  • Tonight when I got home from work Mackenzie was in the bathroom doing her #2 thing, waiting for me to get home so I could help. Love that not so much.
  • I think, yes I think, Mackenzie finally cares about Fisbee the Elf.
  • Zachy is communicating up a storm. He understands so much. He follows simple commands. Watching his communication skills develop is a blast.
  • When Zachy gets upset he throws a little tantrum. Usually this involves walking across the room and laying down face down. It's sort of sad. And sort of cute.
  • Mackenzie is in a phase where she gets scared of things, like being alone in the dark. Or in the light for that matter. She just really does not like being alone.
  • Zachy tries to run now. Given that he still has somewhat of a wobble walk thing going, I find his 'running' effort pretty impressive.
  • Mackenzie set up a picnic for her and her baby this evening. It was sweet.
  • I asked Mackenzie how Zachy did at Carol's today and she said,  'I protect him, Momma.' What a good Big Sister she is!
That's all I got. Nighty-night time for this Momma!

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