Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today is feeling a bit crazy. A lot to do. Mackenzie has two friends coming over on Friday and we are making Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses. I am not crafty, so I have been preparing things well in advance, well since last night. Trial runs are important in my mind when you have no idea what you're doing. So, between that, making sure I have the food ready to put in the oven (it's a morningish gathering and I work tomorrow), doing some sort of minimal cleaning, getting totcollege gifts ready to drop off tomorrow and, oh yah, taking care of my one and three year olds, the day has been WILD! 'Tis the Season...

Some random tidbits from our day:
  • Zachy just came in from out back with one shoe off. He handed it to me. I put it back on. And he walked outside. I thought that was adorable.
  • Later he walked up to me with a jacket. He demanded he have it on. Then he couldn't go outside because it was dark and he got very upset. I thought that was adorable too, because he is expressing himself so clearly and I LOVE that!
  • We went to the small, but bigger, neighboring town. Checked out the thrift store and got a small baking pan perfect for a totkitchen; found a red plastic tablecloth perfect for our Gingerbread Making Party on Friday at the 'market;' and mailed Christmas Cards at the Post Office. Almost felt like I live in a real city. Almost.
  • Found out Santa is making an appearance at the Family Dining Restaurant Friday night. Not sure if we'll be able to make it, but sure will try. Depends on how the day goes!
  • Getting out of the house for our trip to 'town' was awful. Mackenzie wanted to be baby and I needed her to put on some clothes because it is cold outside. We both had meltdowns. Hate when that happens. But, all is OK now. And, we had a good time.
  • Poor Zachy just got really upset because Mackenzie would not let him have her pink princess purse. I got him the pink Dora one and he was happy. Bet he'll love reading that one day!
  • The other day Mackenzie said, 'Momma, Can I have a princess jacket? Jordon 'Milton' has one.' Already? Doesn't the whole but everyone is wearing it start later? Later than THREE?
  • When Dad picked up Mackenzie from the Preschool Room yesterday, she was outside playing her baby game with Saige. Great. Let's hope she doesn't start playing puppy. That one gets weird.
  • Naptime coming up. Will they nap? Will Zachy nap two and half hours like he did on Monday? That was my Christmas Miracle.
  • Getting together all the gifts for all the people at the Totcollege. Teachers and Student Workers and the Director and Co-Director and the Cook and the Teachers from the last two it all really necessary? 'Tis the Season...and I DO appreciate them all, tremendously. They take great care of my kids two days a week. That's HUGE!
  • Last week Mackenzie said, I go to school at college. She's right actually, the Totcollege is on a college campus.
  • I think it's a lot less stressful to just decide not to be ready for the holidays. But last year I had a good excuse. A practically newborn.
  • My White Chicken Chili smells....DELISH!
  • He napped an hour and a half. Not bad. Mackenzie had a rare decent nap too.
  • Made a trial Gingerbread House with Mackenzie. She had a great time and was really into it. But we ate too much candy. 'Tis the Season...
  • I'm really glad we did the trial run. Told Dad to pick up M&M's and Lifesavers. Bigger candy just wasn't sticking. Now I'm ready, or so I think I am.
  • Zachy has been touchy all day. Having one of those nothing is right in my world days. He's had his happy moments, but he's been pretty crabby. Didn't help that Rufus smacked him in the face with his tail. I think it hurt poor Zachy's feelings.
  • Gosh it's hard getting ready for a Friday party when you have 12 hour days on Tuesday and Thursday. Doing it all today and I'm pooped.
  • Hoping the morning goes smoothly with Mackenzie tomorrow. Despite being an early riser, she's not a morning person.
  • Having too much to do in one day means way too much tv for Mackenzie. I hate using it to babysit. But, I suppose 'Tis the Season....
  • Wondering why I washed the kitchen floor over the weekend. Couldn't I have found any other way to waste my time? 
  • Have I brushed my teeth today?
  • Mackenzie has decided she likes purple. She only wants to wear purple socks. This is a problem since she only has one pair.
  • Truth be told, the chicken chili did not come out as flavorful as I like.
  • Zachy sort of threw up. Sure doesn't seem sick though. Well, he has been crabby. But he's not lethargic, not at all. No fever. Who knows.
  • Oh no, I hear Mackenzie saying she wants out of the bath (Dad is giving them a bath). It's too soon. I need a longer break. Say it isn't so!!
  • After he gets on his PJ's, Zachy walks right to the bathroom to brush his teeth. His enthusiasm has rubbed off his previously toothbrushingphobic bigsister.
  • Almost time to get the youngins' in bed. Too pooped to pop...that would be Me. 'Tis the Season...
  • Zachy walked up to me to give me kisses, his new favorite thing.
  • Before bed Mackenzie said, Thank You for a Good day.
  • Too pooped to pop for sure. But a Good Day Indeed. 'Tis the Season after all...

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