Thursday, September 23, 2010


I look forward to my before bed time with Zachy. Our days can be hectic and I don't always feel like he gets enough solo attention. But this is the time that we get to spend together....playing a little, snuggling a little, loving a lot.

Tonight we played with a turkey baster. Yep, a turkey baster. He thought it was the greatest thing EVER! It looked a little strange; So he put it is in his mouth, of course. I made it puff air in his face and he threw back It was comical. Being bopped in the head was not so funny, but his reaction....the laugh, the hysterical baby laugh....that was funny! Lessons about hitting will come....he did just turn 1 afterall. For tonight, we got to enjoy a little SillyBedtimeFun.....together, just Zachy and Momma and the TurkeyBaster.

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