Monday, September 20, 2010


Glee has it's season premiere tomorrow. When I was on maternity leave with Zachy, Glee's first season had just started.

With Mackenzie I had a full three months of MommyMackenzieBondingLoveTime before going back to work. When I went back to work after Mackenzie was born, I went back part time and only two days a week; Those were her days to play at the totbabycollege. So, when I was on maternity leave with Zachy, we got to spend those two days together, just him and Mommy. Tuesdays, more often than not, seemed to involve some sort of doctor's appointment or errand. But Thursdays, I made sure we got to stay home together and have MommyZachyBondingLoveTime! First thing in the morning, we would watch the previous night's episode of Glee. Just snuggle in bed and watch. So, for me, Glee is not just a good show, but really pretty special. Glee was part of my very special time with my very special babyZachy, who, by the way, is officially THIRTEEN months today!

Here is Zachy then....

And here is Zachy now....

I loved him then more than I could imagine was possible and somehow continue to love him more and more each day!...

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