Friday, September 17, 2010


Today we had a playdate with Miss Ari, almost 3, and Miss Cate, almost 1 and their Momma,  Tess. A little fun for everyone. Our friends were kind enough to join us at our house. Totgirl and Ari played great. Just a few days ago I read somewhere that kids around this age have about an hour limit where they can play well together. Our girls probably did 2-3x that. Sure they had their moments, but perfection would be waywayway too much to expect or even shoot for. Probably helped that we took a lunchbreak, which was timed pretty well. Did I say timed? That would imply planning and organization, which both RAN out the door when I became a mother! But Tess and I were able to enjoy some yummy (If I do say so myself) sausage, pepper and bean soup out of the crockpot with a salad (from a bag, but it hit the spot) while our totlets munched on PB and J's

Back to the togirls...watching them evolve as friends over the last few years has been exciting. They first met as babies and now, almost 3 years later, are learning to take turns and play cooperatively (I use the term 'cooperatively' loosely...). I think they really took their totship to the next level a few months ago during a playdate at the courthouse. That was when the girls discovered how effectively they could push limits as duo. Talk about TOTPOWER!!!!! They learned that teamwork works. They ran together way past the boundary we had established and when we told them to come back, they looked at one another, shook their heads and smirked in unison, and ran farther, in the opposite direction, of course. They also played a more contained running game, and, while their individual rules were not always the same, they seemed to manage to make their rules mesh, so that they could continue to run and rest in harmony. It was absolutely delightful to watch, even the totboundarypushing. Gotta love their spirits, determination and spunk, afterall.
When Ari attended Totgirl's 3rd birthday party, the moment they saw one another, they ran off and it was like witnessing two partners in-crime in-action. Naturally they ran away and continued to go farther when we asked that they stop. We asked ourseleves and each other whether it would be quite as funny 10, 12 years from now? That's a bridge to be crossed another time.

Zachy and Cate hung in just fabulously through the playtime.mommytime. They even interacted a bit and briefly played blocks together. They were like two old friends who go waaayyyy least 6-7 months...

Both of them were pushed beyond their comfortzones, not getting in their normal naps and being way more stimulated than usual, but they managed. Zachy is now, unfortunately, taking a nap at 4 pm. But, having the opportunity to connect with and enjoy friends is well worth the schedulebuster (another loosely used term....'schedulebuster,' since Zachy's adherence to a schedule is tenuous at best).

And, Zachy is now the proud new owner of....drumroll please....a PILLOWPET! An ever-so-totally-adorable TurtlePet. He loves it already, I can tell. He loved rubbing it and feeling how soft it was; He took a little rest, not nap, but a rest, on it after they left; I took the tag off and he kept trying to place it back on. So, yesyesyes, he LOVES his TurtlePillowPet.

And, for Totgirl, also as a belated birthday present, she was given her first set of Littlest Pet Shop characters. I see a collection in my favorite little hoarder's future. She took them with her to snuggle with during her shortlived fauxnap.

So, that was today. A BIG THANKS to MommaTess, AriTot and babyCate for a wonderful time and much loved and appreciated gifts!

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