Saturday, September 18, 2010


This summer, totgirl decided she likes dresses and won't wear anything else.

This started in mid-June. We had some friends coming over to play and she put on a cute little shirt with shorts. For whatever reason, the shirt made her feel like a little Princess and she danced around singing our own special PrettyPrincessSong. The following morning when it came time to get dressed, she saw the one and only dress she owned and HAD to wear it and, of course, the PrettyPrincessSong followed. I promptly decided a trip to town was needed because the girl looked so cute in her little dress, how could I possibly deprive her of more? So, we bought a couple more and, in the weeks that followed, a couple more and a couple more and so on and so on. For the first couple of weeks, she would still wear shorts and tshirts to totbabycollege to her 'Tuesday/Thursday classes.' But one day this all changed. I continued to try every school morning for a month to get her into shorts and a tshirt, determined that she had to get SOME wear out of them. I would set them out the night before, but sure enough, she would go pick out a dress. One morning, as we were nearing a much anticipated vacay to California to see Grandma and the cousins, I said to her, 'Don't you want to keep your dresses nice for California?' She ran to the other room where her shorts and tshirt were laid out and ready for her, came back rolling them up and said, 'I keep these nice for California.' It was at that point, I knew it was pointless to try any longer. So, as the summer comes to an end, I have given away a full dresser full of basically new shorts and shirts (held back a couple things, but I have little hope they will get worn much, if at all).

But what about TheDress? There was one dress I would always suggest to her, but she would never put it on. Such a cute dress, plaid with nice subtle hues. Not unlike several others she would pick out on her own and put on willingly. But this dress, she would refuse to even try on. She would tell me it was just 'not cute.' Then when the pottyhumortalk started, she would call it 'stinky' or 'poopy.' When we were in California I tried to play on her love for Grandma and told her how much Grandma would love it. Nope, still refused to wear it. Any other dress, just not THAT dress. So, I figured it would be, like all her shorts, another piece of clothing to go unworn and, finally, after California gave up on TheDress for once and for all.

But then a few days ago happened. Went to pick out her dress for the day and to my surprise, she picked TheDress. All her on own, she picked THAT ONE. How random! My Girl never ceases to amaze. She knows what I want and what I like, but she is determined to be her own person. These things can frustrate the begeebies out of me, but I LOVE it. I LOVE her. She is strong willed and independent. She has willpower and spirit. She's myveryspecialtotgirl!

And, now for the PrettyPrincessSong:

I the pretty princess, I so cute.
I the pretty princess, I shake my caboose, shake my caboose.
I put my hands in the air, hands in the air.
I turn around, turn around
And I fall to the...GROUND!

Maybe there are no Grammy's in our future, but it is OUR own little song!

And it is...TheDress....

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