Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today is Tuesday and usually a totbabycollege day for the totgirl and a work day for me. For whatever reason, totgirl has been waking up really early, pre-5 a.m., for the last week. She has been having increasingly difficult days and it has been painful to watch her. I know she is tired. Really tired. I don't know why she keeps waking so early. She does seem to go through a period in the fall where her sleep is disrupted, as the days start to get shorter. But, I don't recall it being this extreme.

Last night she was up and down between 3:30 and 5:30 a.m. I felt worried about taking her to school, knowing how sensitive she has been and what a hard time she has been having managing herself. We all get cranky when we are tired (Trust me, I am the first to acknowledge this...I have gotten unreasonable numerous times over this last year due to pretty extreme sleep deprivation). But, unlike us adults, who really do need to learn to deal with it (easier said than done at times), three-year olds just can't. They are THREE.

Zachy, has been sent to the totbabycollege, so he can play with his friends. I have tried to keep her staying home as low key as possible and as a special MommyTotDay; I don't want her to think she can 'use' being tired as an excuse to stay home on days she is feeling school resistant (and she is smart enough to keep such a thing in that memory bank of hers and pull it out when she wants to use it to her advantage). So, my hope is that she will have a quiet day and a long nap. Perhaps having a mellow, low stress day will help her get some better rest tonight as well.

I have to say, having been with two kids day after day, being home with one is almost like being alone, but better. We are having a lovely morning together. She is in a great mood (of course) not having to compete for attention. But, she did say, 'I miss my brother.' Awww, I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder...even for a sassytotgirl!

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