Once totgirl started talking, life just got funnier. A lot of things she says can get lost in translation. Written words lack her totvoice, her facial expressions, and her body language. Things that make things she says and does all that funnier. But,.here are a few of my favorite totmusings spoken by my totgirl!
1. Over the past year, totgirl has been a napfighter. One week not too long ago, she was on day two of not napping. The previous day had been rough; By 3 pm she was in full meltdown mode.
So, I said to my totgirl, 'Mackenzie, remember what happened yesterday when you would not nap? You got very tired and grumpy in the afternoon.'
And how did my totgirl respond? She, very seriously, said. 'I not gonna be tired and grumpy today, Momma. I POSITIVE!'
(To which I thought to myself, 'REALLY totgirl? Where you HERE yesterday? And when did you learn the word positive?')
2. What better way for a potty training totgirl to avoid naptime? Decide you have to go poopy right when it's time to nap. That's right. One day after fighting her nap for a good half hour I finally get her into bed. Within 5 minutes she tells me she has to go poopy. What is a mother to do? Deprive her deartot of pooping? Of course not! So, I walk her to the potty. As if feeling some sort of remorse, she says in the most fake sad voice I have heard, 'I guess I not gonna take a nap today.'
3. Totgirl has her own sense of style; Her own likes and dislikes. Last winter, she disliked pants. A lot. At home she would usually just wear a shirt, diaper and black paten leather shoes. Oh, and a hat. One morning Dad was getting her dressed for the day and I hear him say, 'Does JoJo wear pants.'
'Nooo,' says totgirl.
'Does Emerson wear pants?'
'Noooo,' says totgirl.
'Does Miss Lisa wear pants?'
'Noooo, Miss Lisa no wear pants,' says totgirl.
(Really? Your teacher doesn't wear pants? What exactly is going on at totbabycollege?)
4. There comes a point where, as a Mom, you think you are outsmarting your kids by doing things like sticking vegies in their food. Not really the brightest idea, since toddlers can be picky eaters to start with. So, rocket scientist MiaMomma makes homemade mac and cheese and adds in some carrots and broccoli and actually believes that this will somehow persuade her to try it. What was her response? 'I don't want carrots and broc in the mac and cheese, I want ICE CREAM in the mac and cheese!'
5. Totgirl asked to read Pinkalicious one day. I could not find it amongst her books and asked if she knew where it was.
'Hmmm. I think we need to look for it.' So, we look and look and look and don't find Pinkalicious.
The next day SHE brings it up again and wants to 'search' again for it with me. I ask her if she knows where it is. She says, 'I sure think it might be on the shelf in the back.' And guess what, it was. Something tells me a certain little totgirl knew exactly where it was...all along.
6. One day I hear a very loud noise and ask totgirl what it was. She states, very matter of fact, 'A mess.' And, indeed, it was!
7.Totgirl calls me in still to look at her poop. She is proud of it, what can I say. After awhile, you start to run out of encouraging things to say. One day I say, 'Wow, Mackenzie, you are a good pooper!' She responds with a very proud, 'I AM a good pooper!
8. Totbabycollege held a Back to School night last month. I was preparing totigrl for the evening, explaining that Mommy and Daddy would talk to her teachers while she played with her friends and then everyone would eat and play outside together. Her one big concern? 'Momma, please no talk to my friends, okay?' She's THREE! Isn't she still supposed to think I'm supercool?
9. Lately totgirl has not only been into 'Poo Poo,' but also police officers and jail. One day I committed some offense and she sends me to the jail. I ask where that is and she thinks really hard and says, 'By the poo poo.' Of course, silly me!
10. And now, for my alltime favorite TotMusing...Awhile ago the 'Why' word entered totgirl's world. When this happened, the word 'Why' quickly replaced 'No' as my least favorite word. One day she was asking 'Why' I could not do something that involved being two places at once.
I said, 'Because I am a person.'
My very smart totgirl said, 'You're not a person. You're a Mommy!'
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