Friday, September 17, 2010


What about Zachy? I feel like posts, at this stage of the game, tend to be totheavy. There is a reason for this, maybe not a good one, but there is a reason. She is 3 and he is 1 (like I said, not necessarily a good reason). Her being sort-of just dominates. She talks and that, in itself, provides loads of material and, for better or for worse, she has had two more years to develop her personality and idiosyncrasies. But, don't be fooled. I find just as much dailydelight in mysweetbabyZachy! So, let's talk a little about Zachy, shall we?

Zachy is just over 1, twelve plus one months in another few days. Zachy turning 1 was really happysad for me, more happy than sad, of course, but definitely happysad. Actually, when Zachy got his first tooth at about 7 months, I cried. Really, you would have thought he was going away to college. I saw his babyhood WAY too quickly slipping away. But, I have since come to terms with reality: Simply put, developing and reaching milestones is necessary and...(I can say it) GOOD! He MUST grow older, he MUST learn to do new and exciting things.

Zachy has spent the last year of his life charming people. I know I am his Mom, and I know I have a bit of bias, but he really is a charmer. His eyes have been HUGE from moment one. People LOVE his HUGE eyes. These, along with his mischievious smirk, are engaging. They make people WANT to talk to him. They make people WANT to get a full-on smile out of him. Most fabulously, they make people who see him just a little happier for the moment. And, when they DO get a full, wide open Zachysmile, it is purejoy! This baby has the biggest, most delightful smile I have ever seen. It is contagious. I remember a friend seeing a picture of Zachy with his big, purejoy smile and called it 'ridiculously cute.' There! Proof that I am not totally biased.

Lately, well probably longer than lately, but lately Zachy has started to laugh hysterically like only a baby can. There is NOTHING more honest, in my opinion, than a laughing baby. Their laughter is completely spontaneous. We adults will try all sorts of silly things to get a baby to laugh. But, what exactly determines what they will find funny, is one of the great mysteries of all time.

Things Zachy finds hysterically funny these days include:
1. Sticking out his tongue and having you do it back to him;
2. Tug of war over anything;
3. Playing chase (espcially with his sister);
4. Flapping his hand over his mouth;
5. Blowing in your face and you blowing back in his;
6. When he covers his face with something and you ask, 'Where's Zachy?' and then yell 'Peek-a-boo' when he reveals himself;
7. When his sister hides and plays Peek-a-boo with him;
8. Putting bowls on his head (he finds this even funnier if there is something super messy in it);
9. Sitting on his bum on the bed, bouncing up and down and then making himself fall over frontwards and backwards;
10. Touching pointer fingers like E.T.;
11. Clucking (this had him up one night about 3 am for an THAT I could have done without!); 12. Random play interactions with his sister;
13. Getting surprised;
14. Putting totgirl's 'bead' necklaces around his neck (I realize that this is wrong on so many levels...);
15. And so on and so on.

What does Zachy love to do these days? CLIMB. That is for sure his favorite thing. On his first birthday he climbed up a slide. I was impressed when he made it half way up and then after a few tries...BAM!...he was all the way up and SO-VERY-PROUD of hisbadself. He climbs on anything he can figure out how to climb. A couple of nights ago he climbed in and out of the bathtub (yet again, wrong on so many levels). He also likes to dance and has been doing the babybouncebumdance since probably about 6 months. He even has some song recognition now. He loves the songs 'Very Tall, Very Small' and 'If Your Happy and You Know It;' He claps on cue when hears the phrase, 'Clap your hands,' and also knows to put his hands over his head during the 'Very Tall' song. Oh, and he loves to make people laugh. I was telling his Dad the other day that we probably miss half his funniness because our attention is split between two. He is into everything, loves to get into whatever his sister is doing and rock her world. Oh, and how could I forget? He LOVELOVELOVES to be outside. Anything outside. He loves to play in the sand, pick it up and watch it fall, move his feet around in it; He loves to put it in things and pour it out. Same with water, he loves waterplay. Today he and his dad played football, he loved that. He is also a curious little guy and tries to figure out how things fit together or what they do. Too many things to list! And lastly, cannot forget his sister...he loves his sister and playing games with her. And when the two of them play and laugh together, doesn't get any better than that...MommyMelts!

What do I adore about ZachyCuteCute. His hands. His feet. His (sorry Zachy, but it is true) reallyreallyreally perfect little baby bum-bum. I could go on and on, but I cannot forget, I love him in his PJ's....nothing yummier than that (both him and his sister)! And sleeping...what a sight.

I LOVE YOU ZACHY! I am incredibly blessed and so very grateful that I was given the gift of you in my are absolute PureLoveandJoy.

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