Sunday, January 30, 2011


Mackenzie has been pretty funny lately. Probably on a bit of a roll because she's also been pretty full of sassy.
  • We were getting ready to go somewhere and I had asked Mackenzie to keep an eye on Zach, who was on the front porch (Dad was outside too, I just wanted double coverage). She comes in, lays down on the couch and says, Okay Momma, I keeping an eye on Zachy. Problem? She couldn't see him.
  • Momma, Zachy called me a gook-goo.
  • One day she was playing in her room with her imaginary friends. I went to the bathroom in there and she got upset with me because apparently Jordan or someone was in there. She said: Momma, we need to have a talk about this. When you need to go potty, you need to go in the other bathroom.
  • Another day when I told her I needed to potty, she told me I had to wait until Daddy got home. Problem? That was like four hours down the road. Her response? From Pinkalicious: You get what you get and don't get upset. 
  • We had soybeans one afternoon and I was showing her how to get the bean pods out. Her observation? There's a baby bean inside!
  • Sometimes she likes to pretend she's Zachy's Mommy. When she does, she calls me Zachy's Grandma. Being an older Mom, I don't like that so much.
  • Zachy thinks he wants to be a big kid and play big kid games! She's right!
  • RufusDog got in Zachy's way the other day and Zachy shouted out, Ruuuu, NOOOO.
  • When we were at the zoo on the sky ride, Mackenzie wanted to try to push forward and sit on the edge of the chair. Not happening. I explained how she could get really hurt if she fell. She responded with, It's okay Momma, the people will help me.
  • Another time, I think when they were climbing on the kitchen table and being wild, I again tried to discuss with her the dangers of what she/they were doing. And, she responded with, Oh Momma, the policeman will help me. Yes, that's one way of looking at it.
  • Mackenzie loves the color purple. One day Zachy repeated the word Purple and she ran over to him and said, That's what your sister's favorite color is Zachy!
  • They got a toy school bus one afternoon at the Dollar Store. I told her it was a toy for them to share. She resisted at first and then said, Zachy can put the guys in and I can drive! How's that for problem solving and critical thinking skills? In a Three Year old nonetheless.
  • Mackenzie got the crazy band bracelets and wanted to wear them to school. I said she couldn't and she said, I wanna wear them like Jordan Milton does. So, I let her wear one and after school she said, I share my bracelet with Jordan Milton! I let her wear it!
  • I the Dad. Dad's make dressers.
  • In the bathroom yelling Mooo-oooom, I dropped a car. Again, louder MOOO-OOOOM, I DROPPED A CAR! Mom goes in to get the car and she says, It worked!
  • The Zacher is a cutie!
  • The baby cow is a cutie!
  • She's an early riser. One morning I told her we couldn't get out of bed because it was still dark. She gets a big smile on her face and says, I have an idea to make it light! After more discussion about why we can't get out of bed yet, she says, After we have one, two talks, we can get up? After yet more discussion, she says, Moo-oom, my eyes are OPENING! Clearly, I have lost.
  • Mackenzie: That's a great idea! Mommy: That's a terrific idea, terrific means really, really great. Mackenzie: That NOT a erific idea. That's a great idea!
  • At the end of the day, I often say I'm 'too pooped to pop.' The other night she said, Momma, did I poop to pop you?

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