Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's been a pretty good week. Mackenzie has been hilarious, so I need to catch up some Totmusings here soon. They have been hysterical and adorable together this week, so that needs some attention also in the near future.

Today I got to pick them up from the Totcollege. Mackenzie was pottying when I got there along with a couple of friends. Cracks me up, already the girls go in pairs. And, she had to wear a silly bracelet to school today because, in her words: But Mom, Jordan 'Milton' wears her bracelets to school. Yep, at Three. She had a great day. I got an email from her teacher who she said she took Mackenzie and several friends on a walk through the college campus. They even went up an elevator (AKA an 'alligator' in Mackenzie totlanguage). She loves elevators, so that alone made her day. Miss Anne also sent some adorable pictures, which I wish I could post, but I don't post pictures of other people's kids. So, oh well. But it is such a treat to get a sneak peak at her in her other environment.

Zachy was in his room - just he and one other tot left. I have said it before and will likely say it again, but they cannot help but gush over him and tell me how much they adore him. They say it, he's their favorite Tuesday-Thursday Tot. His days are pretty much always good. He's happy and easy going and just plain fun. My Mom saw it when she first met him, back when he was a week old. She just knew he was going to be a fun loving spirit of a person. And, she was right. He is fun. And happy. And a little love magnet. He's pretty impossible not to adore. I don't say that just because he's mine. They say it too. Thus, it must be fact. Oh, and the poor guy got a good bump on his forehead this morning before leaving. He slipped and hit it on a wall corner. Ouch. He's okay of course, but Ouch.

That was today. Hopefully I'll get around to catching up the other stuff, but, for now, here's 2GoodThings from our week...
  • Mackenzie spraying things with a squirt bottle and Zachy washing them with a cloth. The teamwork alone was precious and then she said: Zachy's my helper. I showing him how to clean. Good Job Zachy!
  • Zachy's face after braving the big slide at the zoo. And, Mackenzie's face as she conquered the sky ride!

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