Monday, November 1, 2010


Today was all round a pretty good day. I got to get a half hour on the treadmill off the bat (Dad went to work just a little late). I think that might have set off some sort of manic episode, because I did not stop moving the rest of the day. I think, for all of us, I need to figure out how, on my three home 'workdays,' to exercise in the morning before the day starts. It makes for a better beginning for me, which means better for all.

Mackenzie and Zachy were great. They played terrifically, much of the day together. They laughed and got into mischief with one another.

Some of the favorite things they did today...
  • They took turns going up and down the climber inside. What made this so cute, is that they were laughing together and turned it into some kind of game. Then they started to crawl under it, back and forth, following one another and just laughing.
  • Mackenzie helping Zachy ride the trike. This was HUGE because she did not really want to share it, but then she decided to be a 'Helping Big Sister.' I LOVE how she is working through some of these difficult interpersonal issues!
  • Them crawling around with markers in their mouths. Choking hazard I know. But it was pretty funny because they knew (Zachy included) that I didn't want them to do it and so they 'crawlran' away from me, fast as they could. Total SiblingMischief.
  • Swinging; This involved me pushing them, but they LOVED passing one another as their swings swang!
  • Zachy putting stickers (yes, more choking hazards) in his mouth. He KNOWS what he is NOT supposed to do, so he does it and again, he 'runcrawls' away. Mackenzie, not to be left out of the fun, got into the action as co-conspirator.
  • Ah, and them playing drums in the kitchen with the pans. Loud, slightly annoying...but cute regardless! And, I had picked up Zachy for some reason and Mackenzie demanded I put him down again. She even counted to two...'Put him down Momma. One....two...' I have NO idea where she got that! I don't do it and it doesn't seem like a thing they would do at the Center. One of the other kids perhaps?
  • Them playing outside together and alone. Very nicely. Very contently. Exploring. Getting dirty. Happy.
  • And, them eating dog food and gagging together. I would bring them in the house and she would open the door so they could go out for more. And they thought they were being just fabulous and clever as can be.
I don't have the words to express how it feels to watch them interact. It is amazing. Simply Amazing.

Today was full of GoodThings, so I'd have to say we have adequately covered our TwoGoodThings in the process! Can you see me smiling?

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