Today they went to Carol's, our back up to the totbabycollege. I got to do the pick up and Carol said they had good days. They both came running/crawling over to me with big smiles when I got there. Hard not feel good about that.
They were adorable on the way home. A bit tired, but cutecutecute.
Zachy got a little mad when I put him in his carseat. I gave him his blanket to snuggle with and he pushed it aside, my little temper boy. Then I gave him a bottle and he was happy and picked up his blanket again.
Later on they both played peek-a-boo with their blankets. All I could see in the rearview mirror were their blanket heads. It was too funny. That and the giggles. And we sang songs.
Mackenzie did good tonight, especially since I know she was tired. She is REALLY into being injured these days. Yesterday she skinned her knee and we're still hearing about it today. She had to go poop and was in the bathroom for a looonnnnng time. I hear her yell from there, 'Poopus, I need my privacy!' About 10 minutes later I hear her yell, 'Zachy, I need my privacy.'
Zachy lights up now when she gets out her Princess Castle and Little People. He has developed this whole game that he thinks is going on. The one where he grabs something, takes off and she screams while he cracks up. He definitely is becoming her little 'bother.'
- Today, there was another 'baby' at Carol's. I asked Mackenzie if she thought the other baby was cute and she said, Yes, and then I asked if the baby was cuter than Zachy and she said, No. Awwww....
- Zachy came crawling in with a doll and said, Baby! Loud and clear. Yay! A new word for Zachy. Let's list his words: Mama, Dada, Ut-oh, Ball, Nigh Nigh (meaning bottle), Roo (for Rufus), Nana (for banana) and now Baby! Yipee Zachy!
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