Monday, November 22, 2010


Mackenzie woke up this morning crying, which is unusual for her. She used to wake up crying all the time, it was her 'thing,' but not so much anymore. Even when I'm not in the room with her. In fact, the other day she came out and found me and very cute-groggily said, 'Momma, I look for you all over the bed. You weren't there.'

This morning, her first comment was, 'Momma what happened to me and Zachy's airplanes? They flew away. Can we go find them?' I'm thinking just maybe she was dreaming.

After Zachy woke up, she very matter-of-totfactly stated, 'I not going to knock him down today. I just going to give him kisses for waking up!' It was sweet while it lasted...

In other news...

Zachy loves music. He likes the song 'Old MacDonald' and has his own very cute way of 'singing' E-I-E-I-O. It goes something like, 'EYIII-EYIII.' Always right on cue.

I admire his persistence. Sometimes he almost crawls because it is faster for him still, but then it's like his mind says, 'NO!' and he gets up and walks, his wobbly walk. Proudly. Just like a Rockstar.

  1. Mackenzie and I jointly deciding that when we get mad we need to take deep breaths. We practiced together and tonight, instead of melting down at bedtime, we did our 'Just breathe' together. It worked!
  2. Zachy happy-yells all the time when he is walking. It's like he's saying, 'Here I come!!!!!!'

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