Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I love my kids a little more each day. But today, for some odd reason, I think I experienced some sort of LoveGrowthSpurt. I have no idea why. I worked today; So my time spent with them has been pretty minimal. Actually, I woke up Zachy, fed him and left for work. When I got home, he was eating dinner, then I fed him and he fell asleep. But he was so sweet, as usual. I know, I always say how sweet he is. But he really is. I loved snuggling with him and looking at his sleeping face before I put him down. I love him. And, my little Totgirl Mackenzie came out to greet me when I got home. She had put on a new dress that arrived in the mail. She was so excited about it and looked so cute in it. Lately, she has been a little darling. Asking for things with a polite voice, negotiating somewhat reasonably, making an effort to share and be a good 'friend.' It has been pleasant. I love her when she is on the temperamental side, but I have to say, when she is in a happy space, she is incredibly delightful and fun and likable too. I love her.

  1. Mackenzie didn't initially want to put on the shirt she had picked out last night to wear to school today, so she called it 'Poo Poo,' of course. But then she decided to 'forgive' it or something like that and said, 'I will be nice to my new shirt now.' Still makes me laugh. She got into an argument with a shirt. Who does that? Oh, MyCuteCuteTotgirl does!
  2. I know I didn't see much of Zachy today (sad face), but when I got home and went to say 'Hello' to him in his high chair, he grabbed my finger and would not let go. He kept eating, but apparently wanted to make sure I didn't get away. MyBoy!

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