I have some
RandomThinks going on in
MeMind today. So, here they are.
- Zachy seems to be catching up on all the sleep he missed his first twelve months. He's sleeping about 11.5 to 12 hours a night and, the two days he's not home with me, he naps for around 2-3 hours.
- I wish Zachy would nap for 2-3 hours when he's home. Love him always, but like him more when I get a break!
- This morning, Mackenzie woke up and said, 'Today I not going to push my brother.' So far she has not pushed him! She has found plenty of other ways to terrorize him though.
- I lost one of Zachy's shoes. This has me very annoyed. How do you lose a shoe? We went to the 'market,' which is too small to lose anything in. I think I would have noticed when I put him in his car seat if he had a shoe off? I think I would have noticed after I got him back out and carried him and set him down if he had a shoe off? Or when I took off his one shoe? This makes me thinks it has to be here somewhere...but where?
- Mackenzie looks really cute in her fall/winter dress.
- Mackenzie had too much Halloween candy this morning. I was trying to get a casserole in the oven and she took advantage of this. I told her No, but she didn't listen. Of course not, She's Three AND an Opportunist.
- Zachy is napping, I wonder for how long. Please longer than an hour. Let's shoot for TWO.
- This morning Mackenzie said, 'Momma when I grow up, I be a teacher and help all the friends! Momma, when you grow up, you can be a teacher too!' Adorable.
- I'm thinking about digging in the trash for the shoe. Where else could it possibly be?
- When Mackenzie was about Zachy's age, her Native American names were TwoPoop and OneShoe. Looks like Zachy is OneShoeToo.
- I looked in the trash. Not there. Ugh. Ruminating.
- Zachy is InTheZone when he's outside. Content. Happy.
- Between trying to figure out What winter tights to get for Mackenzie and Where Zachy's shoe is, I am overwhelmed.
- It sort of still bothers me when I see my weekly email about Zachy that they call him a 'Toddler.' I know, I really need to accept it and move on.
- Maybe I'll run to Walmart and get him another pair of shoes. Oh yah, it's an hour away. Maybe Not.
- Zachy is sitting on this throne, the highchair, and looking very distinguished. He looks at me, nods his head and, very definitively, says, (in his E.T. voice), 'Oooohhh.' MeLaughing.
- Sometimes Zachy does something and I think, 'Oh, that's so cute. I remember Mackenzie doing it. It was cute then too.' And other times I think, 'Oh, that's so annoying. I remember Mackenzie doing it. It annoying then too.'
- HALLELUJAH. I.FOUND.THE.SHOE. On the changing table, underneath the pants he had worn to the 'market.' HALLELUJAH IS RIGHT!
- Mackenzie is watching Nick Jr. and they are doing a show break talking about things that start with the letter 'M' and what does she say? 'I start with the letter M!' She's a three year old genius.
- Zachy woke Mackenzie up from her nap. He pushed open the door and screamed. Yep. That'll do it.
- Are Poo Poo jokes really a bad thing for a Three Year Old? I sort of don't think so.
- Zachy is way too good at climbing. Now, he needs to practice walking instead.
- Note to self: Don't make the sweep pile in front of the one year old and expect him NOT to put his hands in it, swoosh it all over and put his hands in his mouth. I'm apparently NOT a three year old genius.
- Now if I could just find the phone I lost two days ago.
- Phone found. On the slide outside. Life is Good.
- Now the for the tights. What to do. Which to get.
- The tights will have to wait until another day.
- Mackenzie gave Zachy a hug and kiss on the head when they were in the bath...twice.
- Zachy's in bed. Mackenzie next.
- Good Day. LuckyLuckyMe.
Perhaps it's been covered some, but here's...TwoGoodThings
- Zachy putting a winter beanie hat on his head, then seeing himself in the mirror, laughing, waving and touching his head! Precious.
- Mackenzie (very playfully and lovingly) saying, 'Good Night Pee Pee,' when I told her Zachy was going to bed.
- OneMoreGoodThing: Their little bum bums side by side in the bathtub. TooCute not to mention!
At the end of the day, I often find myself looking at the mountain of mess all around, feeling stressed, overwhelmed and in need of some serious quiet. But, truth be told, I wouldn't trade all the order, peace and quiet for the Amazing Two Lives I am Blessed to have in Mine. Love ya Mackenzie and Zachy!
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