Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Getting home from work last night was awesome. GoodThingNumberOne (from Tuesday)...
  • Zachy 'walking' to greet me when I got home with his 'I'm a Rockstar' expression. Yes, you are a Rockstar my almost-walking Zacharoo! I know I keep gushing about it and will continue to do so, even later in this very post, but his 'walking' is precious. I could SCREAM it's so cute.
I was also greeted by Mackenzie calling out to me from the bathroom. 'Momma, I pooping. Come see.' If your not a Mother, this probably sounds gross. Not that if you are a Mother it's something you look forward to, but it's all in a day's work. Yep, that's Motherhood, all inclusive: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Zachy continued to practice his walking, but was pretty tired, so taken to bed fairly early. When I got out from putting him down, Mackenzie was still playing away. Resisting her bedtime. She was playing, what else, 'Preschool.' At (real) Preschool, the kids are immersed right now in art projects. Next month they have a special Parent's Night set up so we can come and see our kid's work. I can't wait.  (Hmmm...tonight Mackenzie said that tomorrow they have 'music class.' Maybe the kids will all sing a song together for the special Parent Night? Oh, how lovely would that be!) So, last night she was having me 'paint' objects. She, of course was the 'teacher' and I was the 'friend.' When I would finish, she would take My Masterpiece (hey, I can dream, right?) over to the drying area, tell me in her 'teacher voice' that I had done a 'Good Job' before sending me home for the day. Then calling me back to do it all again, of course.

She finally got into bed, but just would not fall asleep. I had been up early, so decided to go to bed with her.
 GoodThingNumberTwo (from Tuesday)...
  • Mackenzie whispering, 'I love you too. No more talking.' before rather quickly falling to sleep.
Today was a fine day. Zachy practiced his walking a lot today. He is 'there.' Favoring crawling a little still, but not too much longer. I love seeing him walk over to me. Such a different sight than I am used to. Again, the look on his face just makes me smile every time, smile and feel a little like (happy) crying at the same time. He wants to practice his walking in any way he can. He pushed a walker around for a bit. He figured out he could transport stuff on it. The random things he would put there was hysterical. He was walking with his walker, saw a bib on the floor and said, his always favorite word, 'Ut-oh,' picked up the bib and put it on his walker. Very thoughtfully. Then just transported it all over to nowhere. He also likes to walk holding hands like I have mentioned. And, of course, he did a lot of solo, unsupported walking. As I think about it, he might have actually walked more than he crawled today. The balance just might have already shifted. When he is walking unsupported, he likes to carry things in his hands. Because he can. Again, random things. A zoo animal visor, a purse, a block, a sketch a doodle. You name it, he'll carry it. He even tried to 'kick' a ball while walking. Whoa, Slow Down Buddy! Kicking balls come much later! And now that he is walking all over, he is MUCH LESS clingy! I'm telling you, there's a little push-pull resistance to independence that happens right before walking.

Mackenzie was an absolute delight today. She is getting so good with her brother. I know it pains her at times, but she really tries. She said 'actually' today. I Love when toddlers start saying 'actually.' Because, when they learn that word, then they actually start to say it all the time! She also kept using the phrase 'on purpose.' We discussed whether RufusDog pushed her over 'on accident or on purpose.'  She was convinced it was 'on purpose.' Today we painted her Pumpkin. Carved off the top and painted it. Yes, I realise it is way past Halloween, but the beauty of having a three year old is that she doesn't totally know what goes with what. I take that back, today she said, with a big glossy-eyed consumer driven expression, 'I sure hope Santa brings me A LOT of presents!' How does she know that? Speaking of Santa, I told Mackenzie that maybe he would bring her a new bed. Her own bed. She loves the idea. So, now she is sure Santa is bringing her a bed. Oops, Momma should have thought before suggesting such a thing was possible. Possible to a three year old means it's happening. I'm in a bit of a bind, if Santa doesn't bring her a bed, will she forever be disappointed in Santa? It all sounds great, Mackenzie in her own bed, but would she really do it? So, that's my latest and greatest dilemma.

Our HappyHumpDayGoodThings...
  • Mackenzie loving being teased by neighbor Rich. I love when she gets to interact with people, enjoy herself and show off her fun n sparkly self.
  • Zachy shoveling sand into a bucket and dumping it out. He is so studious; his fascination with things is never ending.
  • Playing music together. All of us, experimenting with different instruments, Mackenzie singing and Zachy applauding.

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