Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Let's catch up on some Totmusings, shall we...

I should say that they tend to be really funny if you can hear her cute little voice, but you can't, so just remember, she's three!
  1. One day I am adoring her and say, 'I love you a lot Mackenzie.' To which she replies, 'I think I like you a little Momma.'
  2. However, with much greater enthusiasm, she says, 'I like big poopers! It smelly!'
  3. She had on jeans that were too big one day and said, 'Momma, I tell Miss Sarah today that my jeans too tight.' So, let's see...she gets the idea that they don't fit too well, but automatically goes to too tight, wonder where she heard that?
  4. Mackenzie is really into things hurting these days. While she keeps saying she wants to stop her 'Night-Nights,' she will now say things like, 'My arm hurts for a Night Night.' What her arm has to do with a bottle of milk, I don't know, but to has everything to do with a bottle of milk.
  5. She's really starting to talk to Zachy like he understands, and he might. One day we were looking at pictures of her when she was a baby and she looks at Zachy and says, 'I sorry Zachy that I was tiny too.' Sort of like she was apologizing to him that he is not the only cute little baby, but also kind-of, just maybe rubbing it in his face...just a little?
  6. She has also taken to insulting him with the occasional, 'Zachy's gross' (where she learned that word I have no idea...totbabycollege) and 'You're poo-poo.'
  7. But she does show him love. 'Zachy you have cute bum bum, boy.'
  8. And today she said, 'Zachy doesn't talk. He say Ut-oh and Mama. But he no say Mackenzie (with a very contrived look of devastation on her face). Momma, I want him to say Mackenzie.'
  9. She was riding her trike the other day and pressed on the pretend horn and said, 'Horn, Horn,' instead of the old run of the mill 'Beep Beep.'
  10. After realising that Zachy had spent much of his day in the Tot A room, on the car ride home she strikes up a conversation with him: 'So, Zachy, how was your day? Did you go poo poo in Toddler A?' Huh? I guess that would be the epitome of TotSmallTalk!

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