Sunday, October 3, 2010


Okay, so call me crazy, but I swear Zachy is E.T.

Here's the evidence:

1. He sounds just like E.T. when he says 'Ut-oh.'

2. He has a big head (Note: He is in the 5th and 10th percentiles for height and weight...his head? 85th!)

3. His eyes are HUGE!

4. And, yes there's more, he loves to join pointer fingers...think E.T. and Elliot!
Look for yourself (although of course you can't see his 'Ut-oh' sound)!

Here's my own little E.T., Zachy...

(Okay, so it is an old photo, but I swear he sounds like E.T. and his head and eyes are still big and he does the pointer finger thing; And, Zachy...when you see this, for the record, I think E.T. is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.!)

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