Went to Congress Days over the weekend. I had very low expectations and it STILL managed to disappoint. 90 degrees with no breeze did not help....But here they are, watching the parade.
Zachy working on organizing and fitting things together and his spatial skills...
Zachy being cute and Momma trying to set up an E.T. like photo-op...
And so the 'Winter' totstyle begins....
Lookin' like he's busted!
They were playing puzzles together, until totgirl decided the use the puzzle piece for harm...
But they do have their moments where they play nicely....
Totgirl avoiding naptime, by telling me she is going to sleep on the ball...
...and that she needs to use the 'potty,' where she asks to read 'Newsweek.'
Doing chalk on the front porch...she cannot make letters yet, but she did start to spell her name...
M-A-C-K...Z-A (but she got the first FOUR right several times!)
Playing with the letter 'R'
'I think I can, I think I can....'
'Look Momma...I'm standing!!!!'
Retro photo alert....
It's Mackenzie on 8.16.08, her first birthday, standing....purejoy expression on her face (and a sport bra around her neck...one of her first fashion must haves!).
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