How 'bout a couple of totmusings to begin with?
1. I was talking to totgirl earlier today about going to the Pumpkin Patch this coming weekend. She said she did not want to go. So, I told her she could stay home and asked what she would do. She responds, very thoughtfully, with, 'I think I sure will clean the playroom and take a bath.' Fascinating what goes through that mind...and a bit frightening at times as well. So, I have decided to let her stay home...hey, she said she'd clean!! Just kidding, folks.
2. Later in the day, she randomly tells me, 'Momma my bum bum is stinky cause some toots are coming out.' I can't help it, I find her toot comments hilarious (and the poop ones too, for that matter).
3. Now, on the rare occasion that she actually eats and likes something, she will comment on how happy her tummy is. Today she took her gummy vitamins and, while patting her tummy said, 'I really like vitamins. Yummy yummy in my tummy. That make my tummy happy.'
4. The other day, I put on a less worn and stained tshirt than usual and she asked me if we were going somewhere. Sad, but she she also asks this if I actually do anything other than put my hair in a ponytail. One day she didn't want me to go to work (so she could stay home) and tried to force my hair into a ponytail.
Now, Zachy's turn. He continues to practice standing and yippee I got a picture!! Not the purejoy excited look I wanted to capture, which is absolutely priceless....cause he was too busy playing with the letter 'R.' That's right, while standing. Multitasking. He figured out he could put his finger through the hole and twirl it around and sling it across the room. Thata boy! So, here is our 'stander,' playing with the letter 'R'....
(Reaching for the letter 'R'....I just think his bum bum looks too cute not to post! Sorry Zachy.)
(Hair was a bit wild on this morning, someone would not let someone brush it...)
(Ah, the excitement of....the ShareBag!)
(And, looks like someone got himself in the picture....ZACHY...lookin' a little smug!)
Lastly, for today...I ALMOST forgot....Zachy had a 'musing! Yes, he did....So, now for our first EVER Zachymusing...
Totgirl was sitting on a chair and fell off (poor totgirl, but she was okay) and Zachy says, 'Ut-oh!' How 'bout that!
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