Why Monday? I work Tuesday and Thursday, so Wednesday also tends to be spent unprepping from the day before and prepping for the next day. Friday is okay, but we are all usually a bit tired. Saturday and Sunday Dad is home and we are busy with a variety of things; hopefully some fun as well as all those mundane chores that have to get done at some point. But Monday. Usually I don't have a whole lot to 'do' on Monday other than just focus on the kids. I LOVE this.
Missing MyMonday with them was sad for me. And, I have to work tomorrow as normal, so I am feeling really pretty bummed. Too much time away...makes me appreciate how lucky I am that I get to be home with them most days. We sacrafice, but it's worth it.
They stayed home with Dad. I predicted the following...
- Totgirl will eat and won't call the food he makes poopy or stinky.
- They will both nap; Go down for naps with ease and sleep for three hours each for the first time in their one and three years. At the same time.
- They will play quietly, separately or together, without fighting or getting in one another's way.
- Totgirl will clean up after herself.
- Zachy won't need to be held all day.
- Jeff will get tons of 'chores' done and have no idea why I say I can't.
- He'll also get plenty of quiet him time since they'll nap for three hours.
- The minute I get home, they'll wake up from their long naps, be wired and cranky and fighting...
Jeff sent me update messages and photos through the day. He took the kids AND RufusDog for a walk. Gutsy, since RufusDog does not really get walked as much as you do. I talked to Mackenzie briefly at one point and she told on herself: 'Momma, I push Zachy so Daddy put me in the Naughty Corner.'
When I got home, she ran out to greet me: 'Momma, the Big Sister is here!' And, she proceeded to tell me about their day: 'Zachy had a good day. We took a walk with Rufus and played in the yard. I hurt my arm, leg and foot. Momma, my arm hurt for a night night. Can I have a night night? Here some flowers I pick-ded for you, Momma. Can I have night night?' Gosh, I loved seeing her and hearing her sweet ramblings.
When I got in the house Zachy was of course delighted to see me. He fussed until I picked up. We reconnected. I went in the front and played with them. Watched Zachy practice climbing back and forth over his push and sit toy and cheered for his accomplishment. He is so proud of himself over this new trick of his. Mackenzie wanted to play 'running' and that she did. I gave her marks of where to run to and she would run and run.
We had dinner together. Steak Night a day late. Zachy was in a comedic mood. He makes little jokes now. And laughs. Gosh, I love his laugh. It's the real deal. Honest and full of Joy.
I'm already missing them, my babies, for tomorrow, since they are both tucked in tight in their beds for the night. I'm very happy that they had a good day home with Dad, although, for the record...
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