He likes to torment his sister at times. I am sure of it. Everything she has, anything she is doing, he wants a piece of. The other day she was practicing her writing, a new favorite activity of her's, and he pulls himself up to the table, grabs a marker and takes off as quick as he can crawling. Yep, he knows. Tonight we were at Red Robin, he was sitting in a high chair at the end of the table, equal distance from Mackenzie and me, and who's food does he keep trying? Who's utensils? Mackenzie's of course. Now, she was quite sweet tonight because she kept offering to share food with him. Good thing, since she really doesn't eat it, except the french fries of course. But, as much as she loves fries, she even gave him some of those.
Watching their sibling relationship evolve really is something else.
Mackenzie comes up with names for him now. Her latest is Zachascooter; where she came up with that, I have NO idea. Lately it seems that many of them involve use of the word Poo Poo. He 'hit' her yesterday and she said, 'Poo boy, I don't like that.' Or the other day she wanted candy and said, 'I have a candy when you put Poo Poo to bed.' So, so sweet. And, she does not get candy just because he goes to bed. She comes up with some interesting propositions though.
As much as he bugs her at times, she is very protective over him. Last week at the zoo when she was in the jumper and he was looking in, another little girl went to touch his hand through the mesh and Mackenzie practically pushed her down. She DOES NOT like anybody messing with her brother. She will get mad. Today at the mall they were in the play area and once it started to get crowded, she seemed to feel that she needed to watch over him. He was fine and just involved in whatever he was doing. At times I think he is her safety net.
TotZachyLove. It will be interesting to watch over the years; See what roles they take on with one another. Already, it changes from minute to minute. It changes from, 'Zachy, You bugging me!,' to 'Zacher, I the Big Sister to the Zacher!.'
- Mackenzie got to dress up in her Princess Dress for Halloween and for the first time 'Trick or Treat.' We went into town, to the mall, where they had Malloween. Perfect! She looked precious in her little dress, with sparkly tennis shoes...a Funky Princess! When we go home, she dumped out her bag of candy and just had fun organizing it. She ate her first lollipop...at three! Not surprisingly, she LIKED it! My heart melts when she has fun; really has fun.
- Zachy in the bath today. Seems I do not get very much time where I get to just focus on just him. Every time I do, I am amazed at how he shines, his eyes, his smile and his face. He loves to splash and to be squirted with the bath toys. His giggle. Heaven!