Thought I'd use some facebook statuses to catch us up even more! I know, I'm still a whole Friday Faves behind though!
- something tells me i should have woken zach up before his nap hit 3.5 hours. it's a play now, pay later kind-of thing.
- darn you, laundry. darn you.
- lunch time. mackenzie wants fish crackers, pretzels or cookies. i have offered turkey. i just asked, 'are you ready for turkey, or do you want to hold out and see if you get snacks?' her response? (with a smirk) 'i'll hold out for a bit longer for snacks.' predictable, i know. but it was pretty funny.
- dad took the kids to the Y. quiet house. yummy turkey and avocado sandwich. and then the cat throws up. can momma get a break? please?
- gymnastics this morning followed by an evening literally running around the zoo = mackenzie out in 5!
- okay so we went to say bye to mackenzie's preschool friends who are graduating to kindergarten. i know it's only preschool and not even my child who's moving on yet, but i wanted to cry. not cut out for the emotions that comes with this parenting thing!
- going to a 'graduation' potluck this evening at Mackenzie's preschool for the 'friends' who will be starting kinder next week. next year it'll be her. oh my.
- and in 3 short years it'll be zachy...oh my oh my!
- never had to work with mackenzie on 'using her words' as the saying goes because she uses them just fine. zach's a little less verbal. unless it has to do with sugar. 'more cookies' flows out of his mouth perfectly.
- mackenzie got a new, special purse yesterday. it's a black poodle with a sparkly pink shirt & bow. i emptied it out tonight & she had put in it: a camera, a cell phone, something to pull her 'hair' back with & her ID (ymca). just like her momma's purse. made me smile. ♥ her!
- My kids birthdays are 4 days apart. I was filling out invitations for Mackenzie's school friends and on the second to last one almost wrote in Zach's date. So, of course I had to open all the others to make sure I wrote the right date, which I did. So, now I need a bunch of invite envelopes. Annoyed. But at least we actually live by stores now. Out in nowhere land, this would have been a major crisis.
- okay, zachy zacher...if you want to feed rufusdog hotdogs, that's fine. but deli meat's not cheap!
- zachy, almost 2, got out his favorite plate, brought it to me & said 'salad please.'
- something tells me that whoever came up with the phrase 'no sense in crying over spilled milk' was either not a parent or long past the toddler years.
- kids playing and laughing. hear a boom and zachy crying. 'what happened?' i ask. 'he fell and broke his head.' oh, glad it's nothing serious.
- suddenly find myself wondering why i didn't take advantage and nap and when both kids were napping, which does not happen often anymore. also wondering why the extreme sleepiness sets in just as the second wakes up. coincidence? i don't think so....
- 'it wasn't me. it was zachy. he tried to reach it....with a stool. and then he took it away. he VERY took it away.' i suppose it's possible, if he weren't in the living room busily trying to throw a balloon at the ceiling fan. nice try, mackenzie.
- zachy is 23 months today, a month from two & mackenzie is a month minus 4 days away from four. i know they're still little, but it goes so fast. we were at the zoo monday, which is where they celebrated their 1st & 3rd birthdays. eleven months is not that long ago, but zachy was still a baby. now he runs & climbs & talks. all in eleven months. mackenzie has gone from a totgirl to a little girl. it's crazzzzzy!
- just a hunch, but i don't think 'iphone,' 'text' or 'debit card' were part of my 3 year old vocabulary.
- took the kids to the zoo this morning. love all the playdates we get to have but sometimes it's nice to see them just interact with each other. they were simply adorable together.
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