Shouldn't be too hard, right?
Well, maybe narrowing it down to one each!
- Zachy riding his bike in the driveway. Round and round he goes. In the Zone. His 'report card' on Tuesday said that one of the activities he enjoyed that day was 'talking about bikes and riding on bikes.' Sounds like my boy.
- Taking Mackenzie to her first play and her trying so hard to follow the rules of being at a play. She did GREAT! Used her quiet voice, even when she really really really felt like she was ready to leave.
- Mackenzie sitting in the shopping cart playing games on the phone during a shopping trip with Mommy and Grammie.
- Zachy throwing a piece of paper at the YMCA. He was so adorable he drew a crowd! And he was so intrigued by how it floated in the air, he didn't even notice me leaving.
- Zachy saying 'Bye Bye Gramma' after she walked out the door.
- Mackenzie performing her first doll haircut and then trying to hide the evidence in a large trash bag.
- Zachy giving my own ball to throw in the house alongside him. And laughing as I did. I am sure I will regret that someday, won't I?
- Mackenzie fave of the week: Mackenzie's sweet, sweet groggy smile first thing and saying 'I love you Momma.'
- Zachy proudly showing Dad the picture he made at storytime. As soon as Dad walked in the door. He'd even taken his nap with it.
- Mackenzie goofily telling me before bath that she has to decide when it's time for her to potty. Being a Big Girl!
- Sibling Bonus: Zachy pushing Mackenzie and then hugging her. Love Sibling Sweetness!
- Zachy insisting on helping me lint roll the couch. Such a little helper!
- Mackenzie drawing me a picture at school because she missed me. I missed her too.
- Zachy fave of the week: Coming home from the store with Mackenzie and Zachy sitting in the back of Dad's car with a determined look on his face and a squirt bottle. Can you say: Armed and Dangerous?
- Mackenzie telling me to take two more bites of my salad and then we will go to the store. She even put up two fingers for emphasis!
- Sibling bonus fave of the week: Mackenzie sitting on the floor crying and then Zachy sitting next to her and putting his arm around her. Doesn't get better than that (except the Mackenzie crying part, of course).
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