Saturday, July 30, 2011


When we went to Tsunami on the Square in June, the gymnasts came and did a little demonstration. Some totcoaches let the youngins line up and helped them do back flips, of sorts. Mackenzie was drawn. My sometimes shy (sometimes not shy, but always pretty cautious and slow to warm up) Mackenzie marched over and stood in line. She was a little nervous, but determined nonetheless.

Since then she has talked about gymnastics and wanting to take lessons. Okay, my little Mackenzie, consider it done! I called and they had an opening. For Saturdays at 10 am. Not my first choice, but it'll work and get us started.

She got a little nervous at times during the week. After seeing the place on Wednesday when we went to sign the papers, I think she might have gotten even a little more nervous. But, she also stayed excited about being in gymnastics. And determined. That's my girl! Last night she said she was ready.

This morning she was all hyped up.

Come watch your big sister when you get there Zachy, okay? (true quote)

We were a little early, so she watched the other students through the window. Along with brother.

And then they called the yellow cards. She had a yellow card. Time to go. They started with butterfly legs and then pizza legs and then became cats. She sat and looked at me.

But have no fear, once they moved on and I moved out to the lobby, she warmed up.

And maybe even enjoyed herself just a little...

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