Today's Highlights...
- Mackenzie changing Zachy's diaper. Or trying anyway. Until she decided he did not have to go pee anymore.
- Zachy and Mackenzie doing ballet together. His version included twirling in circles and falling.
- Mackenzie putting Zachy to sleep for naptime. A pretend one, of course. And him playing along. Again and again.
- Zachy wanting gum. Pulling over a chair and trying to reach. Oh no, he can't. So he gets Mackenzie, points to the chair and says, 'Reach gum!' She does.
- Mackenzie was home from school today. Dad said that Zachy was quite distraught when they left school without her. When he got home he yelled out, KENZIE....KENZIE...awwww....sweet! And she missed him today. She asked over and over to pick him up.
- When Zachy gets up from sleeping, he brings several items with him. Gunky always. Bear sometimes. Pillow pets sometimes. He walks to his little table. Sets his animal(s) in chairs. Sits down. Now asks for his 'placemat' by calling it 'Zachy.' And waits for food. He even did this last night at 9p after being woken up by thunder.
- Mackenzie has been talking about Kindergarten lately. She's quite anxious about it. Even though it's not for a year or two...
- Zachy literally has a spring in his walk. He sort of kicks his feet along as he walks.
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