Thursday, December 2, 2010


We made it through our respective days on Tuesday; Me at Work and the Kids at Totcollege. I got out in time to pick them up, which I always get excited about since I don't get to go there much. Dad and I spied on Mackenzie for awhile playing outside. She ran across the playground a couple of times and then got a bike to ride around. Fun to watch her in her totcollegeworld. Then she saw us and came running over. Almost right past me. What am I? Chopped liver? But then she remembered her Momma's fragile ego and ran right back to me for a big hug. Wait, it gets better! Much better. We all then moseyed on over to the Toddler A room to pick up Zachy. And there he was, Momma's Little Boy. Busily yelling at a chair he was trying to crawl under. Then he saw me and started crawling over looking so happy....crawled right on over, right past me, right to his favorite teacher. That's right! Guess he's adjusted to his Toddler A Peeps. A little too much! Just kidding. He did eventually actually make his way over to Us, his Second-Fiddle-Family. I found the whole incident to be rather  funny. A bit shocking. But funny. I THINK I read stuff in books or on blogs or something about that kind of thing happening to 'other' Moms back when Mackenzie was his age and I used to try to read about her 'developmental stage' each week. But, with her, stuff like just didn't happen, so I couldn't relate. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I have no insecurity surrounding his attachment to me. It is clear. He's attached. And I know they get confused because they are in their 'other' environment and learning to attach to their 'other' caregivers. Moreover, I rarely pick him up and never drop him off, so my face in that environment is really baffling to him! Bottom line, I am delighted that he is attaching and so comfortable. A true indication of a securely attached tot, all around. Gotta Love That!

Zachy drove home with Dad and Mackenzie with Me. She and I had a lovely chat during our long drive home. She talked to me about she planned to take off her 'work shoes and pants' when she got home. She talked about naptime and where everyone sleeps. Sounds like they have to move them around at times when they get two together who try to stir things up, little tot rascals. Sounds like they move a lot of kids away from My Little Darling Tot Rascal Instigator. Not surprising to me, since I deal with her naptime behavior, five days weekly. Have I mentioned it is likely pretty close to time to just let go of that? Her napping. I think I did. I'm seriously considering it. But then she is going to have to accept quiet rest time, away from me.

The night of course went fast. It always does on worknights. When Zachy got home he saw BuddyCat and immediately started chasing him. I gotta hand it to that cat, he's got some patience. RufusDog was very excited to see Zachy and knocked him down. Zachy got his feelings a little hurt. But they made up. Zachy fought bedtime, of course. He just wants to play. Play. PLAY!

Mackenzie fought it as well. She ended up out at the table with Me eating a bedtime snack while Dad worked on getting Zachy to sleep. Zachy and I have not quite weaned but are both close to ready so having a really hard time figuring out sleeptime together. It's a little hard for Me to let it go. Him too I think.

Oh, so Tuesday night Mackenzie and I had a nighttime snack together and then went to bed together. She was in a silly mood and started to call me Poo-Poo. So, I called her Pee-Pee (I know...don't encourage the Beast!). That went back and forth and then I mixed up and called her Tooty-Pooty. We both started to crack up. Rolling around cracking up. Right about then Dad got out from getting Zachy to sleep and we got in a bit of 'trouble.' It was funny. Then we started to call each other different silly combinations of things. I would call her 'Brocili' and she would call me 'Carrot;' I would call her 'Chair' and she would call me 'Table.' I would call her 'Yellow' and she would call me 'Purple.' We thought we were hilarious. At least we thought so.

The best thing from Tuesday...When we went to pick up Zachy in the Toddler A room, after he graced his family with his presence (just kidding Zach), he stood next to Mackenzie and she started to gently pat his back. That girl of mine is sweet. Deep down sweet. Miss Sara had said when we picked Mackenzie up that earlier in the day she had said she missed her brother. Awwww....

Wednesday was a Nutso Day. Zachy was crabby. Although generally I would not describe him as a crabby-tot, he's sort of been crabby a lot these days. A Real Lot. He's stuck in that 'Push-Pull I want to be separate and independent, no I don't phase.' For Mackenzie that ended pretty much as soon as she walked (although she tends to be the more temperamental of the two). But, for Zachy, this phase seems to be going on and on and on. And On. Relentlessly. Painfully. Sorry Zachy, but it poops me out! The thing is, nothing pleases him. He wants me to hold him and then he fights to get put down; I put him down and tugs at me and cries until I pick him up; He wants everything and nothing. But, that said, when he's doing his thing, he's insanely cute, funny and enjoyable. Last night we played a bit of chase. He just loves that. And then sometimes he walks around and laughs, for no apparent reason. Because he can. Because he's One and he walks now. Then he went outside and played. There is a spot in our backyard slopes very slightly. A lot of work getting up and down with balance for our new walker. But he kept going up and down. Practicing. He has Patience at times. Patience and Determination. Love that about him.

Mackenzie woke up happy yesterday. She's a spitfire that Girl. She is working hard right now on asking for help when Zachy is pestering her, which he does frequently throughout the day. She will ask me to 'Save'  her or her toys from him. I have suggested she ask me to 'Help' instead of her pushing or hitting him, but 'Save' will work. She did not take a nap yesterday and managed herself well. I'm not totally sold on her not needing naps, but am going to take it day by day. I feel bad right now because with as clingy and crabby as Zachy is, I worry that she takes the brunt of the stress that creates generally speaking with him being all consuming and then with me being more irritable because he's crabby. I try to give her a bit of special time here and there. And really work on remembering to Praise her for all the good things she does do. It's tough being Three and a Big Sister.

Yesterday wiped me out for sure. But both went to bed at night fairly easily and I got to watch a little TV, which I rarely do.

Today was the second half of  'our' work week. Mackenzie had a good morning. After I got Zach ready, she looked at him and so lovingly said, 'He looks so cute. He's a-handsome! And now I going to get dressed and I going to be a-dorable.!' Have I already mentioned how sweet she can be?  The beauty of kids is, the young ones at least (maybe the older ones too, but mine are not old yet), is that no matter how crazy they drive you, they do something SimplyMagnificent or hysterical or heart tugging just in time. Just in time to give you a much needed break from the insanity. Yesterday Zachy said 'Jack-et.'  He hadn't said it before. It sounded adorable. He'd been driving me absolutely crazy, but that made me smile. SimplyMaginficent. Mackenzie waking up in the morning, groggy with her tousled hair, SimplyMagnificent. Zachy patting Mackenzie's back as she pretends to be baby and hides in the tunnel. SimplyMagnificent. The two of them laughing together engaged in some random game they have figured out together. SimplyMagnificent. Thank Goodness for SimplyMagnificent!

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