Saturday, December 4, 2010


A day late getting up my FridayFoto's, but yesterday was hectic. Zachy had  his fifteen month well child. He is well. And charmed them all, of course. Mackenzie was wearing an adorable dress; She was acting very silly during the appointment and the doctor said, 'Looks like Big Sister has an acute case of Attention-itus.' I laughed. Crazy time of year and having a hard time keeping up with much of anything! But, here's some pictures from last week...

First Up...the Zoo.
Zachy loved the petting zoo. He was a riot to watch.
Just fearless.

Mackenzie did pet some too, but the lighting in there is awful.

Zachy at it again.

Off to find more animals to (terrorize) pet!

 Mackenzie in the tunnel at the zoo playground.

Burning off lots of good energy!

Mackenzie feeding the giraffe!
She was brave! It even licked her hand.
They are exquisite beings. I want one.

Mackenzie on the merry-go-round.

 And they were still in good spirits when we went out to eat after!

Random shots from the remainder of the week.
Getting in the Christmas spirit.

Yes, Santa, I've been nice!

Decorating our table top tree.

Proud of her accomplishment.

Helping Dad fix the humidifier.

Trying to keep them entertained on a cold day.
Amazing how something as simple as putting down the treadmill mixes it up just enough...
For about ten minutes.

Sort of sums up Zachy's mood for a lot of the week;
Crabby even in his outdoors 'element;'
I think his molars have been coming in for several weeks now.

'Take a picture of me by my big tower! ta-da!'

We enjoyed it. Not sure if he did!


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