Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I had a busy day, but was missing my kids by the time they got home. How did I know they got home? I heard Mackenzie yelling 'Momma, Momma' at the front door. When I opened it, she was standing there, drenched with her slowly-growing-in hair all curly from being wet, her cheeks nice and rosy.

I asked her how her day was at Carol's and she replied, Good, Caleb and I were good helpers. They had helped picked up toys I guess. Gotta hand it to her, Caleb is seven and she's only three, so that Carol said She and Caleb were being the good helpers, well that's pretty impressive for a three year old. Still waiting for it to happen here...won't hold my breath!

She went right to the potty. Said in her cutest totvoice, I have to go REALLY BA-AD! Can you get me my cars? So, I had to get her all set up. Table - check, bucket of cars - check, stool to set the bucket of cars on - check. Okay, now she can get to the business at hand.

Dad carried in a barefoot Zachy. He now takes off his shoes and socks for entertainment whilst driving. He greeted me with his big eyes and a delighted smile. Makes me melt every time. He got right to work. Bringing me his shoes and socks to put on. Then he decided he needed to throw away the dog food. Piece by piece. Wobble walking to and fro - from the dog dish to the trash can and back and forth again and again.

Totally IntheMoment. I love that about toddlers. Gone all day and they get home and immediately fall into being right where they are. Doing whatever it is they do. So, while I enjoyed a nice quiet, albeit busy, day alone, I loved getting to spend some time just 'being in the moment' with them tonight. Lucky, Lucky Me.

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