Thursday, December 30, 2010


Feels like it's been awhile. Holiday Craziness will do that to the best of  us.

We went to Grammy's house in California for Christmas. Grandpa Jon of course was there and Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Charles flew in from El Paso. Cousins and Aunts all stayed in Texas, so Mackenzie and Zachy had four grandparents all to themselves.

The night before we left, Mackenzie enjoyed some time with Fisbee, whom we said our good-byes to before leaving on our adventure. He brought Mackenzie a Pinky-Dinky-Doo DVD for the car ride and Zachy a frog drum. Did we get a good Elf or what?!?! I'm pretty sure that departing gifts are not in his contract.

We drove to California on Christmas Eve day. The drive took about seven hours. Both kids did fantastically. I was a-mazed. We ended up stopping at a Carl's Jr. that, unbeknownst to us, had a playarea. That stop lasted about a hour and was per-fect! Otherwise we had two brief potty stops. Mackenzie did not nap. Zachy oddly only napped for about forty-five minutes the whole drive. Total fuss time was maybe ten minutes. Did I already say that I was a-mazed? I cannot recall what time we finally made it, but I think it was five-ish, Cali time (six-ish our time).

 Zachy was strangely entertained by this rattle for the majority of the drive over.
And Mackenzie was just carefree and feeling the spirit of our adventure.

After some dinner, Mackenzie and Grammy made some cookies for Santa. Grandma Cheryl read her 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. We put out the cookies and laid down to sleep. Both kids were sound asleep by eight.

Zachy woke up first on Christmas Day. We went downstairs and he was all over Mackenzie's doll buggy. Shhhh...don't tell her!

We looked around a bit, but had to wait until Miss Mackenzie woke up to do anything more. Lucky Zachy is One and didn't yet know that there was fun to be had inside those wrapped presents. But, we walked around and I explained it all to him while we waited.  (Here he is looking at and up the chimney.)

Once Mackenzie got up, we woke Grammy up. Mackenzie was veryvery excited when she saw her buggy. That was her main present. Santa also got her a Baby Alive doll and a game. She was a happy camper.

Santa brought Zachy a clacking alligator that he can pull along, a Milk Truck and a game. All a big success, but he is One and, as such, he loved the boxes just as much. Oh, and I almost forgot, he got this thing where he pounds in the balls. He LOVES it. Oh my, the boy is a good pounder, an aggressive pounder. Hilarious and  somewhat concerning at the same time.

Of course there were many more presents to come and in fact, I do believe we spent the next few days opening them bit by bit. The Grandmas were very pleased with their sweatshirts.

As for the rest of the visit to Grammy's...the kids enjoyed playing piano.

Zachy enjoyed the stairs, way too much if you ask me.

Mackenzie hung out with the dolls.

They played Rudolph together.

We went to Balboa Beach. Both were soooo excited! Their little faces lit up BIG!

Mackenzie wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel and Bungee Trampoline - maybe next year Totgirl! But, she did go on the Merry Go Round.

At the end of the day when I was putting her to bed, we said our usual, 'Thank you for a good day.' After a pause, she said, 'Thank you for the Merry Go Round, Momma.' Ahhhh....Melt my heart!

Those are the 'hightlights.' Tiring for all, but a good trip.Both kids had a really good time. Mackenzie had lots of fun having so much undivided attention. People to play preschool and infant room and read stories and take walks and play ballerina dance and to perform for and I could go on and on and on. Everyone could not get over what a wonderful imagination she has and how really funny the girl is. And funny she is! Zachy loved the attention as well, although he still stays close to Mommy and Daddy. But he did enjoy the stairs, a lot as I mentioned. He also loved going on walks and playing outside. Everyone was in awe of what a super little guy he is. I mean really, a super little boy. So easy going and delightful and sweet. 

The car ride home, well that was pretty much the exact opposite of the car ride there. Still not too much napping, that was the same. But a lot more fussing. Mostly dear Zachy. He had a rough time. We seemed to have to stop more and the stops were not as 'friendly' to our needs. The best stop, strangely, was at Quartzsite. Who'da thunk?!?! Zachy and Mackenzie enjoyed playing in dirt.

And cruising around the gem and rock mart.

Mackenzie was not a big fan of the bathroom at the Carl's. But, she agreed to go in the car. Thank Goodness for totpotties!

Other than a lost totgirlshoe and a horrible salad from Carl's, Quartzsite was the best of the bad stops we made on our return trip. Following that stop, Zachy sacked out, for a short while, but the fuss-break was nice.

And home we finally got, eight long hours later. We were all happy to arrive. Zachy needed some lovin' and holding, but once he got some good food in him, he was good as new and had forgotten the trauma of the eight hour drive from down below. Mackenzie fell right into the comforts of home. They went to bed by about eight-thirty and Mackenzie was asleep in, no exaggeration, less than two minutes. I think Zachy took a bit longer, but not by much. We were all POOPED! And, we all slept in until SEVEN-ish! Oh My. I loved that. Loved it a lot. I have not gotten that much sleep in who knows how long? Over a year, maybe two. It was like a Christmas Miracle and having the winning Lottery Ticket at the same time. Yes, THAT great. Hey, I'm pretty sleep deprived overall!

Yesterday it started to snow and today we have been snowed in. I was supposed to work today, but the roads were too bad to drive in, so we had a snow day!

Zachy wasn't too sure about it. He tried, yes he did, but it was cold and I think he wanted his dirt back!

Mackenzie enjoyed the snow though! She thought it was great....until she fell, but that was a good half hour later and she went back out later.

So, there it is, in a nutshell. Our HoHoHoAndSnow.

I leave you now, with a couple TotMusings.

  1. Zachy had taken Mackenzie's Hello Kitty bucket. She was upset. I asked her, 'Mackenzie were you playing with it?' She responded, 'It's My Hello Kitty!.' About three times we went back and forth until finally she replied with, 'Momma, I NOT sharing it!'
  2. I was changing uncooperative Zachy's diaper (he is a Wiggleworm and thinks it's funny) and needed wipes. I asked Mackenzie to get me some and she came back yelling, 'Doo-daa-daa-doooooo, Mackenzie to the rescue!'
  3. Zachy's new thing is to take off his diaper and then have me chase him around to get it back on him. Yesterday he happened to have a little pee issue when the diaper was off. He looked at it with some concern and said, 'Ut-oh!', then tried to wipe it up.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I had a busy day, but was missing my kids by the time they got home. How did I know they got home? I heard Mackenzie yelling 'Momma, Momma' at the front door. When I opened it, she was standing there, drenched with her slowly-growing-in hair all curly from being wet, her cheeks nice and rosy.

I asked her how her day was at Carol's and she replied, Good, Caleb and I were good helpers. They had helped picked up toys I guess. Gotta hand it to her, Caleb is seven and she's only three, so that Carol said She and Caleb were being the good helpers, well that's pretty impressive for a three year old. Still waiting for it to happen here...won't hold my breath!

She went right to the potty. Said in her cutest totvoice, I have to go REALLY BA-AD! Can you get me my cars? So, I had to get her all set up. Table - check, bucket of cars - check, stool to set the bucket of cars on - check. Okay, now she can get to the business at hand.

Dad carried in a barefoot Zachy. He now takes off his shoes and socks for entertainment whilst driving. He greeted me with his big eyes and a delighted smile. Makes me melt every time. He got right to work. Bringing me his shoes and socks to put on. Then he decided he needed to throw away the dog food. Piece by piece. Wobble walking to and fro - from the dog dish to the trash can and back and forth again and again.

Totally IntheMoment. I love that about toddlers. Gone all day and they get home and immediately fall into being right where they are. Doing whatever it is they do. So, while I enjoyed a nice quiet, albeit busy, day alone, I loved getting to spend some time just 'being in the moment' with them tonight. Lucky, Lucky Me.


I know it is not Friday and not the 24th, so I am being slightly deceitful, but truth-be-told, I don't anticipate much other than chaos happening tomorrow and then Friday the Christmas Festivities commence, so I am posting FotoFriday now, while I have a chance. I already posted a few photos in the last week and not much has happened, but this is a random snapshot of the kids this week...

Mackenzie and I made Grandma presents. Frames and sweatshirts.
Zachy also did the sweatshirts, but that project was too labor intensive to photograph!

Cooperative playing...Ahhh, so sweet.
But, really it sounded more like:
'NO ZACHY! That block NO GO THERE! Momma, HELP!'

This is what you get when you cross Dora the Explorer with a Police Officer.

Doing his Yoga, the Downward Dog.

Digging with the Buddy Cat.

My Beautiful Princesses!

Photo of the Week...
Gotta love Bathtime!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Usually I work on Tuesday, but I'm home with the kids today. Did I mention that, starting today, I only work one day out of the next fourteen? I think I can handle that. Anyhoo, my goal today is to keep a list of their cuteness. Oh, and to take great care of them, of course. So, here I go....starting now!

  • Groggy Mackenzie telling Zachy, I still waking up. I no want you to touch my face.
  • Zachy 'running' up to me and laughing. I see he has a chapstick in his hand, which he knows he is not supposed to have. Once he knows he's busted, he turns and 'runs' away laughing so I'll chase him. Goofball BabyTotBoy!
  • Zachy pouring 95% of the milk out of his sippy cup 'cause he still treats it like a science experiment eight months and counting later. Then he takes the last sip as if he's been drinking it all along (despite all the white liquid evidence on his tray). After taking that 'last sip,' he signs More, not  because he wants more to drink, of course, but to pour all over his tray. Clever little sixteen month old I have. And wasteful.
  • Mackenzie getting mad at Rufusdog for 'knocking' her off her chair. And laying there moaning until I came to check out the scene of the accident (Worry not, no tots were harmed in the process, no matter what she wants us to think!).
  • Mackenzie playing 'baby.' Oh wait, that's not cute. That's totally annoying. Keeping it real.
  • Zachy bringing me his shoes and saying, Out.
  • After getting his shoes on and realising that did not get him outside, he brings me his jacket. It worked. How could I resist that much cuteness?
  • Mackenzie sounds so sweet when she is playing Totcollege. I hope she really talks to her teachers that nicely! I am thinking she does. Hmmmm. I wonder if she plays Momma's daughter Mackenzie at school and talks to them there like she talks to me here. 'Tude and all.  Hmmm. That would be interesting. Might get her expelled.
  • Zachy doing the Downward Dog.
  • Mackenzie asking me to close the gate to the playroom aka her house. Her imagination is adorable and pure genius. And her quietly playing alone, not too bad too! I like.
  • Zachy laughing with glee as I get his science experiment ready, aka milk in a sippy cup, at lunch. One  would think the saying Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results applies here eight months and counting later. But seriously, eventually he has to learn to drink liquid out of it, right?
  • Zachy trying to feed Mackenzie and Mackenzie saying, I NO want you to feed me Zachy!
  • The two of them building a tower of blocks...together.
  • Mackenzie actually being able to build the tower while I changed Zachy's diaper and then saying, Do-da-da-doooo! I the Big Kid! Right.As.Zachy.Knocked.It.Down. Ahhhhhh!!!!!
  • Zachy and Mackenzie dancing to Lauri Berkman. Smiling just thining of it.
  • Mackenzie coming in the kitchen and saying, Mom, Olivia is not over, in effort to avoid laying down for a rest. (She got to watch Olivia before nap and was to tell me when it was done.)
  • After telling Mackenzie she needs to go to her room for rest time (translation Momma needs quiet time), she walks toward the playroom and says, This my room! Nice try, Mackenzie, Nice try!
  • Just when I think I cannot take another disastrous naptime, they both fall asleep perfectly. Cute, maybe not. Awesome, totally. Although if I picture their sweet sleeping faces, that is insanely cute.
  • Zachy giving himself kisses in the mirror.
  • Playing Princess Zachy and Queen Mackenzie. Yep, Zachy put on a little Princess skirt, by 'choice.'
  • Zachy 'helping' me carry the laundry basket to the bedroom. Oh, he was so happy with himself. Mackenzie then joined in and he loved that too.
  • Zachy doing his 'new' thing at bedtime and getting out of bed, walking to the door, walking to see Mackenzie and then running away laughing 'cause he's busted. (This is the second time I have mentioned Zachy getting busted. Mischevious little guy, isn't he?)
  • Mackenzie saying, Thank you for a good day too. I love you too, Momma, before bed.
Yep, it was a CuteCuteCute Day! Lovin' My Babies!

Monday, December 20, 2010


I guess the official countdown to Christmas is here. My Oh My.  Today is a Monday and I worked. I am off for the next nine days and then work one followed by four more off. I think I can handle that. Totcollege is closed this week and today the kids went to Carol's. They will also go on Wednesday and I will focus on the arduous tasks of packing and wrapping. Whopppeeee!

I think our weekend was good. We had our most wonderful Gingerbread Making House Party on Friday. Saturday we went to a party at some friend's house, Ann and Harry. We didn't get home until after nine, which is really late around here. Yesterday we were too pooped to pop as Mackenzie might say. Before bed we all drove around a little bit and looked at some lights. Mackenzie wanted them all on her side. I think Zachy even got the idea, somewhat.

Saturday and Sunday we made Grandma presents. Mackenzie painted frames. She did a lovely job. Then Sunday Mackenzie and Zachy made sweatshirts with their handprints. That was an experience. They turned out cute, definitely made by little hands. It's the thought that counts, right?

A couple random points...
  • Over the weekend Zachy decided he likes to walk backwards. Why? Because he can. He thinks it's pretty funny. So do I. I also happen to think it's really cute too.
  • Tonight when I got home from work Mackenzie was in the bathroom doing her #2 thing, waiting for me to get home so I could help. Love that not so much.
  • I think, yes I think, Mackenzie finally cares about Fisbee the Elf.
  • Zachy is communicating up a storm. He understands so much. He follows simple commands. Watching his communication skills develop is a blast.
  • When Zachy gets upset he throws a little tantrum. Usually this involves walking across the room and laying down face down. It's sort of sad. And sort of cute.
  • Mackenzie is in a phase where she gets scared of things, like being alone in the dark. Or in the light for that matter. She just really does not like being alone.
  • Zachy tries to run now. Given that he still has somewhat of a wobble walk thing going, I find his 'running' effort pretty impressive.
  • Mackenzie set up a picnic for her and her baby this evening. It was sweet.
  • I asked Mackenzie how Zachy did at Carol's today and she said,  'I protect him, Momma.' What a good Big Sister she is!
That's all I got. Nighty-night time for this Momma!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Today we had our first (hopefully) Annual Gingerbread House Making Party. It went PerfectlyPerfect. I like to keep things fairly simple, because Mackenzie and her Peeps are three and I don't want to overstimulate. We invited Ben and Ari and of course Ari's same-age-as-Zachy little sister, Cate.

Mackenzie woke up early. Of course she did. Why would my daughter who really needs her rest get enough sleep on a busy day? That might decrease my stress some after all. But, she did good despite being tired. Yay Mackenzie!

So, the friends arrived about 9:15 or so. The kids ransacked the house playing for about thirty or forty minutes. I tell you, it is interesting to clean up after having kids play in the playroom that don't live here. My kids go through phases where they play with certain things. And, they tend to have routines with how they play with what they play with. But bring in other kids and everything gets gone through and ends up in strange places. Not complaining! Just find it fascinating at the end.

Back to our Par-tay. I had found a well rated easy Quiche recipe on All Recipes, cut up some fruit, put out some yogurt, and Mama Julie brought some bagles. Whala...we had a yummy brunch. Even the kids ate.

Okay and now, onto the 'reason' for our most wonderful gathering....Our 'Gingerbread Houses.'

I premade the Graham Cracker 'Gingerbread Houses' and had all the candy and frosting in bowls. Some of the houses were structurally challenged, but the point was FUN and FUN Was Had By All!

The girls eating together.
Me waiting for the table to mysteriously start to move apparently on it's own.
Note to self: Need to get the new table out.

Zachy enjoying his food.
Pretty much all gone, so he enjoyed it A LOT!

The Big Kids waiting patiently for the Gingerbread House Making to begin.
And, for some reason, Mackenzie decided to put on a Snow White dress.

Decorating time!

SOOOO Focused! Love it!

And, yes, some candy was consumed in the process.

Meanwhile, back in the playroom....
They were handing things to one another and saying,
'Dank you!'

How cute are they?

And now...
The Big Kids with their Houses!
They Done Good!
And Had Fun!
And that makes Me veryVeryVERY Happy!


Seems odd to do a FotoFriday when I am posting a few posts with pictures, but some moments need to be shared as a part of our last week. So, here they are!

Playing Puppy before it got really strange...

Playing baby.
Yes, she barely fits in the highchair.

He LoveLoveLoves Digging.

And Princess Purses...

They were really cute together this week....

Soon after, they started to rub one another's backs.

Mackenzie had me (yes this is MY art) draw her family.
The best part about this was she was practicing cutting with scissors and said,
'I no want to cut this, it special. It my family.'

Trial Gingerbread house making Wednesday.

 Somebody needed to be contained while we trialed.
If he could talk, he would've been saying,
'I want more sugar!'

I Love moments like this.... 