Wednesday I think we were all feeling a bit caged up. Especially me. After the holidays, the snow and then just not getting out, we've been home way too much. But, today we went to the zoo, full post with pictures to follow shortly.
I never really got around to posting this week other than my 2GoodTuesday. I started on Monday with some randomness, but never really finished. Then added a bit on Wednesday and then Friday. Also never finished. So, here's a combined RunningRamble effort from our at home days last week. Since they cover different days, ignore any 'time references!'
- I love the mud in the backyard since the snow melted. Really I do. So, so, so glad my kids are outside in the mud in their socks.
- Speaking of socks, Mackenzie has sock neurosis. They hurt her if there is the slightest crinkle.
- Mackenzie just called out from the playroom, 'I at the hospital. My baby is going to be a little born.'
- I think Zach threw away one of his Fisher Price toy milk bottles.
- Mackenzie is wayyyyy too fixated on Olivia. She now wants to be called Francine. Make that Queen Francine.
- Zachy came in and brought me his shoes to put on. The bottoms of his white socks are, not surprisingly, black.
- Yesterday Zachy and Mackenzie were outside. I hear him crying. I go see what's wrong. Mackenzie has been 'washing' him with cold, muddy water. Sweet sister.
- And, yesterday Mackenzie pretended to be a puppy, In doing so, she decided to pee in the backyard. It was as funny as it was disturbing.
- When I clean the playroom, I inevitably stop at the play kitchen. Do you think maybe, just maybe, this is some form of MommaRebellion?
- I just made broccoli, cauliflower and cheese soup, from scratch. Zachy is a food thrower. Why did I think this was a good idea?
- I made the mistake of referring to Mackenzie as 'Princess Mackenzie.' She's taken on this role and run with it. Demanding. Expects me to be at her beck and call. Oh wait...nothing's changed. Just another day with a three year old.
- Zachy comes up to me sometimes and just gives me a totboy hug. He's getting the whole cuddle idea too. Love it.
- Mackenzie is an expert Snuggle-bug. She Loves it. I Love it.
- Today I saw a wasp and the other day I saw a bee. Come on guys, it's January! We had snow. Shouldn't those things be gone by now? And I mean totally gone. Annoyed. And concerned, because if they have survived, they must be some sort of super stinging insect, bug or whatever they are species.
- Zachy is taking two to two and a half hours naps. Ridiculous! I might regret saying this, but bygosh he's become a good sleeper! Who'da Thunk that would even be possible!
- Mackenzie has a thing with closing all the doors off the living room. Wondering what it's about. I think it has something to do with her totfears and feeling safer and more in control with the doors closed off.
- Zachy just dumped dog food all over and said, Ut-oh. As if he didn't know that was going to happen!
- 'Momma, I need to jump way higher, so I will grow taller!'
- When I picked Zachy up yesterday, they said he is their favorite eater. He sits at the table, crosses his hands in front of him, and waits. Are they sure they were talking about my son, the food thrower?
- 'Momma, I having a bad, bad day because I got a papercut. Will you call the doctor so I can go in and say I got a papercut, please!'
- Mackenzie made sure I called the doctor. She asked to talk to the Doctor and wondered why the Doctor was not talking back. I made up some lame excuse. Told her the Doctor was busy writing everything down. She bought it and kept talking.
- Mackenzie playing Mommy to Zachy, sweetness.
- Mackenzie playing Doctor with BuddyCat. Have I mentioned how bizarrely patient that cat is?
- I will never get over how cute it is when Zachy puts a choking hazard in his mouth, seeks me out, laughs in my face and runs away. Cute and unfortunately dangerous at the same time.
- Zachy seeing his Favorite Book, 'Yummy, Yucky' and saying Ugy.
- Zachy now plays 'Baby.' He gets on the floor, crawls around and says, Baby. Hmmm....wonder where he got that idea?
- Zachy clapping and saying Yayyyy during the movie Happy Gilmore when Gilmore was playing golf.
- I am ashamed to admit this, but our 'Christmas tree,' a small, humble artificial one is still up. Maybe by February?
- Yippeeee! I found the missing milk bottle. He didn't throw it away. The wagon now has six again. Whoppeee. My life is complete.
- Mackenzie gets into arguments with RufusDog and BuddyCat.
- Mackenzie commenting, while lying on the couch, that something was Stinky. I pointed out it might be RufusDog or perhaps BuddyCat. And she replies with, Or maybe you, Momma. For the record, I was nowhere near her at the time.
- Zachy seeing Puffs and calling them Uffs.
- Mackenzie came up to me with her mouth wide open and then said, Momma, mouth is open. I tired.
Quite awhile ago, after Mackenzie had done something that upset me, she suddenly started to sing me the ABC song and I started to laugh. On Wednesday, I got upset with her after she dumped her smoothie all the over table for an 'art project.' When I was explaining my upset to her, she said: Momma, Do I need to sing you the ABC song?
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