Zachy got sent home yesterday from Totcollege with a fever. 102.2. He looked droopy and tired. A little crabby. Went to bed early. Fever continued today. Crabby most of the day. Napped at 8:40 am. Poor tired little guy. Not much of an appetite. Took another short afternoon nap. Crabby. Clingy. Fever. Had a little food in the evening. Just not himself.
This means Mackenzie had her moments too. She was upset because he was sick and she wasn't. The nerve of him! But all in all she did alright. She did demand a turn in the Ergo Carrier. A few other odd requests, but she's three and life's a sibling competition, right? Not only that. He being sick definitely cramped her style. And that has to be hard on a three year old!
Then they took their bath. All was going smoothly. Even crabby Zachy was happy in the bath. Mackenzie wanted to stand up and I asked her to sit down. She explained to me that she was Mommy and taking a shower and said, 'You understand why I can't sit down now, right?' Funny girl. I got them out of the bath and Mackenzie sat in front of the heater while I got Zachy dressed, but I only got as far as his diaper. Next thing you know he's walking away from me and takes off his diaper. I now have two naked, but clean, toddlers on the loose. He starts to scream and laugh and scream and laugh. And then he bends over to get more air power for his scream. So she starts in. Next thing you know they are both running through the house. Screaming and laughing. Was he really a feverish crabby boy all day, I wonder? And then they get on the bed. She starts jumping and he starts to try. A good ten minutes. And then the toilet paper. They got a hold of a roll together. All through the house. Laughing. Toilet paper all over. All over the house. All over them.
Gotta roll with it. Gotta laugh with it. Gotta love it. A Happy Ending!
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