Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well, thank goodness for facebook. It has proved to be a quick way to jot stuff down. So, here's the last 6 or 7 weeks in facebook status updates. I have a few posts I want to write and some pictures to post. Fantastic things have happened over the last month and a half.

But, for now, this catches us up...yet again in bullet points and sound bytes...
  • momma's doing zach's homework while he sleeps. if we're doing this 10 years from now, then i suppose it's a problem.
  • m sees her picture below and says 'why you send me on facebook?' the fact that my daughter recognizes 'facebook' disturbs me. and, yes, i take full responsibility.
  • why are you putting sunflower seeds in your toes, zach? oh, that's right, you're two. beans in the nose. sunflower seeds in the toes.
  • as they sing in m's preschool class...'something good is going to happen today! something good is going to happen today...'
  • when i was saying good night to mackenzie, she said, 'we had a real good day.' park, rock climbing, new shoes, tea set painting, agility, preschool play, circle time, stories....a good day indeed!
  • recent rain inspired trial agility course for winter: jump on bed, jump off on princess couch, walk the jumprope, through the tunnel, shoot a basket & jump from hula hoop to hula hoop back to the bed. repeat.
  • insulted that i told her she had to eat the oatmeal she asked for and not have a fruit snack instead: 'that smells like baby diaper and rufus food and dooda zach.'
  • long night last night. long day today. two kids sleeping & momma's going to have some quiet before hitting it early herself. & i REALLY hope miss M is back to her 'normal' tomorrow!
  • loveLoveLOVE these late summer storms we're having in prescott. thunder and lightening and rain, oh my!
  • totsibling drama this morning: zachy wanted his gunky the monkey and his bear to sit in chairs at the table for breakfast. so, he took mackenzie's chair. both grabbing at the chair. screaming. hitting. it was ugly. and kind of funny.
  • gymnastics this morning + zoo this afternoon w/m's friend montanna = two kids conked out before 8.
  • zachy has a new thing. he goes into mackenzie's room, gets on her pink stool and jumps. over and over again. however, each time, he has to throw her orange pj pants first. i don't get the logic, but, he's two. and i am sure in his two year old mind the throwing of the pants is important and necessary. and that, my friends, is all that matters.
  • went to preschool back to school night. when it was time for the parents to go in, my kids decided to meltdown & hold on for dear life. this meant i got to hang out on the playground! & see all the friends play. it was hilarious. & fun. & i really really enjoyed it. mackenzie & her girlfriends were adorable & some of the older boys took zach under their wings. love their school!
  • as i am cleaning up brown rice thrown all over the floor by the boy, i ask, 'what's zachy doing?' 'he's in the bathroom.' 'what's he doing in the bathroom?' 'i don't think you'll like. it he's playing with the toothpaste. can you put me on the swing now?'
  • back to school night at preschool tonight. mackenzie is planning what she wants to take to show off. she is adorning herself as we write with lots of necklaces and bracelets and clip on earrings and planning out which purse to take and what all she can stuff in it.
  • mac to zac: zachy look at me. come see in the mirror how cute i look!
  • we are waiting for someone to come measure our windows. mackenzie said: 'is it daddy?' i said: 'nooo.' laughing, she says: 'i know i was just telling a joke.' cracked me up.
  • kids in playroom. zachy cries. zachy on his back. mom asks what happens. zachy walks over to mackenzie and asks for a hug (awww...). mackenzie says (with a sinister smile): 'i hurt him and he hugs me. it's okay baby brother.' great. just great.
  • trying to eat a little breakfast. mackenzie has something to say about that, of course. 'mommy, why are you eating? mommies don't eat. when they are done doing their work, they eat.'
  • during his afternoon snack, zachy suddenly said, 'bean. nose. hurt.' didn't 'see' anything, but sure enough, a couple of hours later at the playcenter, while jumping on the trampoline, i hear him say, 'bean out.' and so it was.
  • currently, mackenzie is watching 'tv-ivision.'
  • taking zachy and mackenzie to their gymnastics class this morning. mom gets to jump across the trampoline, guide zachy through his courses, hold his hand across the beam, lift him up the bar, hoist him up a big mat so he can slide down the other slide. wait, just who's class is this?
  • this morning, in her sweet 4 yo voice: 'mommy, i think i need mommy snuggles.' how could i resist that!? definitely a mommyhood perk.
  • zachy has a new word....'football.'
  • two of mackenzie's favorite words these days are 'cool' and 'boring.' it's like having a 14 year old in a 4 year old's body.
  • tonight mackenzie was doing ballet for us. as she came out to introduce the show, she said, 'ladies and gentlemans, please no scratching your cell phones and turn your phones off. thank you.'
  • zach's helium balloon got stuck in ceiling fan. now they have developed some sort of trauma bond. could be an interesting day.
  • proud momma moment...mackenzie's preschool sent home a (rare) note today which told a story of her playing with her friends and ended with a comment about how evident her 'prosocial skills' are and how she uses her 'imagination to engage others in pretend play.' that's my girl. (and when i was reading it, miss prosocial was in the playroom terrorizing zach, lol!)
  • tomorrow is cute zachy's last day in the toddler A classroom and thursday he officially starts to experience the magic that is toddler B, which means he will very quickly leave all signs of babyhood behind. if i didn't love the toddler B class so much i'd be really sad. but since i love 'em, i'm just a little sad.
  • zach has started the taking off his diaper game. let the fun begin.
  • before bed i told mackenzie i was not going to argue with her anymore. she said, 'fine. i will argue with myself.' and she did. i'm sort of impressed.
  • zach went to a tot gymnastics class this morning. he loved it and followed along well. i was a little worried about mackenzie, since this meant me being in the gym at the same time with zach's class, but she did great and walked across the big beam (with some help, of course).
  • rufusdog just ate mackenzie's macaroni noodle necklace. let's hope she doesn't find out. (she didn't. of course, 6 months from now she might ever-so-randomly ask for it and be totally upset that we can't find it.)
  • ‎'mommy. can we go to the north pole and tell santa about how i want a real ferret in a real cage?' uh, sure?
  • kids are out of the house. zachy's pillow pet intervention is underway. both health hazards being washed as we speak. unfortunately, gunky the monkey traveled with the boy, so he shall remain, as his name indicates, gunky.
  • kids had their 3rd swim lesson & it went great. although he's still a little cautious, zachy has really started to like the teacher & has gotten comfortable in the water. mackenzie floated on her back & is being super brave!
  • after giving her breakfast choices, which did not include fish crackers, 'don't yell at me. you're the meanest mommy EVER!'
  • ‎'mommy, can i have something yummy to eat?' give me a few minutes i will make breakfast. 'but mommy, that's not yummy!'
  • sometimes mackenzie's wonderful 4 year old imagination makes a really big mess.
  • at two years, two days of age, zachy has starting to express needs now. he says 'i need...' today after waking from nap, he said, 'i need chocolate. i need cookies.' gosh, i'm proud!
  • threw 2 bday parties for my kids in a week & both times my #1 goal was accomplished, that my child feel special on their day. i am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the love & kindness from friends & family who came to celebrate my kids. & feeling very blessed.
  • i have a two year old. happy birthday sweet zachy!
  • i had a fast acting stomach bug last night and was up most of the night. this morning i was drained and not feeling. my sweet, concerned mackenzie said, 'but mommy, who is going to do all your work?'
  • i showed zachy the enewsletter from his totclass. there was a picture of him in it. he got a big smile, pointed at his cute self and said, 'zachy! that's me!' it was cute, trust me.
  • does he really have to turn two?
  • ‎'momma, are you doing the computer because you have lots of important work today?' sure, mackenzie. some might consider facebook important, right?
  • after m fell asleep i spent a solid 1:1 hour with z. alone. just playing. don't get that too much with him. loved spending time in his (almost) two year old world.
  • and....she's O.U.T. i knew the excitement of her party would catch up with her! sleep tight sweet mackenzie ♥ & happy birthday dreams to you.
  • mackenzie's birthday party went well. she felt special just like kids should on 'their' day. although it's not official 'til tuesday...happy 4th birthday mackenzie! momma loves the person you are! like crazy!
  • zach & mackenzie fought over a sippy cup tonight. a half hour of drama over a sippy cup. i KNOW someday i'll miss having THAT be the big issue of the night.
  • mackenzie just told me she broke her leg. yesterday she said was the 'worst' day of her (almost 4 year old) life (even though nothing went wrong) and she frequently says 'i'll NEVER get to (fill in the blank).' something tells me i'm getting a small glimpse into what i can expect 10 or so years from now when puberty sets in. fun stuff.
  • in a week mackenzie will be four & 4 days later zach will be two. what a crazy fast rollercoaster ride these last several years have been. but most of all they have been amazing. love seeing how my kids are growing & changing. blessed i am.
  • you know what i love? this morning mackenzie asked if today was a home day or a school day. after i told her it was home day, she asked where we were going today and i was able to say where instead of nowhere. this has been a great summer and so different from last. love where we live!
  • zachy is what some would call a momma's boy. he was playing with mackenzie's doll stuff earlier. when i cleaned it up i couldn't help but notice that the only doll he took out was the momma doll. he loves me! and i love it!
  • sappy mommy alert...mackenzie just, very sweetly, said, 'i want you to carry me forever.' with her less than 2 weeks from 4 & zachy 2 weeks from 2 i'm already seeing those days go & wishing i could.
  • mackenzie just told me i know everything because i'm a mommy. awww but talk about pressure & daily let down!
  • mackenzie comes running in and rambling something about being a big kid and needing the phone. i get 'her' purse and she says, 'no not that phone, the real phone over there.' grabs my phone, runs out the door and says, 'see you later.' yet again, really? she's (almost) 4. i'm in trouble, aren't i?
  • in the backyard with the two yo hostage holder. he's practicing hand eye coordination. translation: shooting me with a hose.
  • being held hostage by a two year old. well, not quite two but definitely a hostage holder.
  • kids were off 'school' last week & start back (tues & thurs) tomorrow. keep asking m what she wants to wear & she keeps telling me very matter of factly 'nothing. i'm not going tomorrow.' sort of funny today although it probably wont be in the morning.
  • mackenzie told me that i'm the most awesome momma. her using the word was adorable and the sentiment sweet. zach's new phrase is 'stop it' & he uses it frequently along with 'no' & 'mine.'
  • a couple of nights ago zachy helped clean up, we high fived, i gave him a hug and said 'i love up.' then he helped more, we high fived, he gave me a hug and said 'i uh ew!
  • while watching tv m said, 'mommy, peppa pig's mommy is NOT the luckiest mommy in the world, right? YOU are.' can't argue with that one.