I thought I had a system organized for having all the cute things my two favorite little people do and say at my fingerprints when I was ready to post them, but every time Mackenzie notices that I have a notebook, she takes it over and scribbles on each page. One by one. And then puts it someplace I can't find it. So, I went through twitter and facebook to see what I wrote on them, in hopes of triggering some recent happenings.
Today, I think I will start with Zachy.
First things first. Just about an hour and a half ago, I think he threw his first temper tantrum. It was heartbreaking, really. He wanted a bottle, but it was lunchtime. He cried for about thirty minutes. And got mad at me. And then wanted me. And then got mad at me again. Finally he got distracted by pounding the balls into the thing where they roll down. Good way for him to get his frustration out. He ended up eating a super lunch. He even had some salad. That's right. With ranch. Speaking of Zachy and eating the other day something happened, which I'm not too sure exactly how I feel about. I tried to feed him grilled cheese, then cottage cheese, then some beans, and then some smoothie. He wouldn't eat any of it. Not until he mixed together the cottage cheese, smoothie and the beans and used them as a dip for the grilled cheese. I guess whatever works, right?
Oh, and he had his eighteen month well child check last Friday (at nineteen months old) and is weighing in at 22.2 pounds and above the 10%. Yay. But, I was never worried. I always knew he was healthy. He's just a small baby.
As always, Zachy is all personality. He is learning to stand up for himself. He has the whole Mine thing down pat. The other day he was playing with some bugs that snap together and Mackenzie came up and tried to take them. He got made and then tried to scoop up all six or seven of them so she could not have them. I was amazed at the thought process and his determination. But he knew he had them first and he had no intention of sharing.
That said, he does like to pester her sometimes. Oftentimes. Really it's a back and forth. She wants what he has and he wants what she has. And he likes to get a reaction out of her. And, since she's three, that isn't too hard to do. They do have their moments where they play well, which is always a treat to watch. But, since he has started standing up to her, and does so increasingly more frequently, I anticipate more and more battles ahead.
His communication skills develop more and more all the time. I think he understands just about everything you say. Today Mackenzie and I were discussing going on a walk and next thing you know he's trying to climb into the stroller. If it's bath or bedtime, he'll start playing chase and trying to avoid the inevitable by being really, really cute. He is learning bits and pieces of songs. I have mentioned that he will sing the word Happy during 'You Are My Sunshine.' And now when we get to the part where it says You'll never know, dear, how much I love you....he will say Wuv you. Ahhhh. When we leave the house Mackenzie and I will say Let's G-O go! And Zachy will chime with Go, go, go! Speaking of 'going,' he likes to GO! Whenever, wherever. Today he called me Mommy for the first time. I have to admit, it was kind-of sweet hearing him say Mommy instead of Momma.
Some of Zach's favorite things right now are:
His Gunky, of course.
Balloons. (If he sees Balloons and we're driving, he'll yell out 'Balloon!')
He has a first favorite TV show (not sure if this is something to be excited about or not). It's Little Bill. He loves Little Bill. He hears the music and looks at the TV and says, with a big smile, LiBi.
Being sung to and dancing. (Last night I was saying something about dancing and next thing you know he broke out in dance. Precious.)
Snuggling before bed (my favorite, too!).
The thing about Zach is, he's just cute. What makes him cute? The little things. Such as:
- When he hands me something and says Elp (Often shoes, which he wants me to put on. So he can go somewhere. Or so he thinks).
- When he responds to things I ask him to do, like talking about changing his diaper and he walks to his room. And then wiggles around the changing table, but that's another issue.
- When he does something and just starts clapping and cheering for himself.
- When he just starts clapping and cheering for someone else (Like me. When I sing to him. Even though I can't. Sing that is.).
- When he waves and says Bye Bye to everyone before bed. With a big Zachy smile on his face.
- When he learns a new word or expression and then uses it every chance he gets. Like today he learned Wow! Happy as he is, he had lots of opportunity to use it!
And so on and so on and so on. That's just a little bit of you right now, Zachy. You're just cute and sweet and amazing. No way around it. And I love you. As you know. Like crazy.
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